131mirafiori forum

131mirafiori home => General discussion => Topic started by: kev131 on May 09, 2008, 11:37:44 PM

Title: The trip home...
Post by: kev131 on May 09, 2008, 11:37:44 PM
This is a photo summary of the trip home with some of the more interesting shots to share (out of 302 photos taken - Aren't 4GB SD cards great? ;))

The entire journey lasted 77 hours including 2 overnights in hotels, a 17 hour ferry trip, a long conversation about 131s with Mark in Waterford and 10 mins to pick up my Indian in Limerick earlier this evening! Overall I drove 2158 kms which is an average speed of 28km/h including stops!? ;D

I have not calculated petrol or toll costs but I reckon I spent about ?800 for all expenses including flights, ferry, tolls, food, hotels, etc. The vendor had offered to deliver the car for ?8/900 but then I would not have had the wonderful experience of driving across Europe in a Twin cam Fiat seeing the sights that I did and the mini adventures involving officaldom. In all it was a little holiday and I can not reccomend it enough - If anything it has made me even more determined to try to make sure that 3MA09 in Italy goes ahead. We can chat about that in Scotland maybe..over a few pints! Anyway here are (just a few) of those 300 photos. Hope you enjoy them.? :)

First fill up....of many...!


Climbing the Alps towards the Mont Blanc tunnel.




Having a rest at the top. Definitely a good picnic spot if 3MA09 comes this way!


Coming down the other side...




The other carriageway...! Climbing Mont Blanc from the French side..!


Studied concentration - Notice how the very efficient ventilation keeps the sagging roof liner away from resting on the driver's head!? ;D


Please Monsieur - Prenez une photo of le Tour Eiffel, la voiture et moi, well at least he got it mostly right!? ;)




In loads of time for the ferry so a little detour to the beaches of Normandy...


Omaha beach...


Continental driving complete...


Home at last...Next time I buy a car with a radio...!


Title: Re: The trip home...
Post by: eugene on May 09, 2008, 11:51:53 PM
Beautiful car Kev,well done.Those pictures are stuning.Thanks for posting those nice photos.Eugene

Title: Re: The trip home...
Post by: mirafioriman on May 10, 2008, 09:17:17 AM
Looks like you got a really nice example there Kev, well done! I am looking forward to my visit to Italy in August (I will be travelling in a Mercedes this time). Looking at the photos of the beautiful scenery it is making me jealous!

Title: Re: The trip home...
Post by: Thotos on May 10, 2008, 09:34:36 AM
Looks like a superb car Kevin (except for the headlining  ;D but that's easily fixed). Also looks like you had some nice weather for your long drive back. I really enjoy driving to and from Italy and those pictures make me very jealous; really looking forward to 2009 now...   :D

Title: Re: The trip home...
Post by: Andy c on May 10, 2008, 11:56:27 AM
nice car kev reminds me of my old supermirafiori wouldnt mind another
makes me want some JD when i sold it to pay the rent  :'(
mind you was a few years ago now, well done again kev

Title: Re: The trip home...
Post by: bellamacchina on May 11, 2008, 03:24:10 PM
Great example of a very fine motorcar! Another one saved forever!!

Goodluck, congratulations you get next weekend in Scotland!

Title: Re: The trip home...
Post by: simon131 on May 12, 2008, 06:47:40 PM
Sorry for the late addition to this thread Kev, been up to my eyes with working at weekends, civic duty at my kids' school, and in sorting mechanical and electrical layouts for the house extension works, etc., etc.,

What can I say about your journey home...? looks every bit as exciting as I remember it with my Abarth and Racing - except without the mechanical and electrical failures encountered by me! ::) I'm really envious of you Kev - car and trip! ;)

The car looks absolutely superb  ;D and so 'pure' in white too! 8) Love the 13" wheels with the liners..... 8)

You don't look very happy about your trip in your photo though mate :-\ You look as though you might have liked to have gone a little bit faster ;D Shame about the roof lining - but I'd have to disagree with Theo, it's not easy to permanently fix - unless you remove the fabric completely. (Suggestions on a postcard please Theo, cos I've been trying to find a perm solution for my Abarth since I purchased it - 4 years ago - despite spending a fortune on so called 'fixes' ;D)

I'm totally jealous Kev! I love the series 3 Super, in all of its engine sizes, so can't wait to see yours in the metal ;D The pics really get my juices flowing - here's looking forward to 3MA09 - The European Tour!!! Or should that be 'Italia or Bust!' ;D ;D

Title: Re: The trip home...
Post by: sid131 on May 12, 2008, 08:13:40 PM
well guys for a permanent fix on the roof problem contact spud

Title: Re: The trip home...
Post by: Thotos on May 13, 2008, 01:22:57 AM
Suggestions on a postcard please Theo,

Can't quite do it as concise as a postcard but have a look at http://gammaconsortium.com/lanciagammaforum/index.php?topic=7.0 for an article I wrote about replacing the headlining in a Gamma Coupe (you need to download the attached article at the bottom of the message post http://gammaconsortium.com/lanciagammaforum/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=7.0;attach=7).
Same principles apply to the 131.

Title: Re: The trip home...
Post by: simon131 on May 13, 2008, 05:51:10 AM
I'll start a new thread on roof linings under 'The Garage' so as not to hijack Kev's thread ;)

Title: Re: The trip home...
Post by: sid131 on May 13, 2008, 06:51:48 AM
i have just reread the start of your post where you said 10 mins to pick up indian & theres me half asleep all day yesterday thinking you have an indian bike, stupid me ha ha ha .

Title: Re: The trip home...
Post by: bax131 on May 13, 2008, 08:53:02 AM
Fascinating, the only word i've got for the view. Did PB Shelley in the 80's and everything is clear  now of why he's so into Mont Blanc!

(Can't figure out the `Indian' in the posting, sorry.)

Title: Re: The trip home...
Post by: kev131 on May 13, 2008, 09:20:32 AM
Indian? - Takeaway! Chicken Korma, mushroom rice and garlic nan - Yum!? ;D

Title: Re: The trip home...
Post by: simon131 on May 13, 2008, 10:00:46 AM
Chicken korma!!!  ::) My seven year old daughter eats that :D :D :D

Title: Re: The trip home...
Post by: ger on May 13, 2008, 11:14:35 AM

What's an "Indian Bike" ?  ::)

Simon, after Kev driving all that distance and thoes speeds, i think a chicken korma is all he could handle. Otherwise he would need all that snow in the alps to cool down ;) :D ;D


Title: Re: The trip home...
Post by: kev131 on May 13, 2008, 09:46:37 PM
Chicken korma!!!? ::) My seven year old daughter eats that :D :D :D

Is that a Curry eating challenge I hear Mr Ryle...? Cos if it is we are off down the Indian in Inveraray one night!!? ;D

Title: Re: The trip home...
Post by: bax131 on May 14, 2008, 02:24:08 AM
Fish head curry, preferably red snapper head + green chilli + tomato. Curry experience like none other  ;D

Title: Re: The trip home...
Post by: simon131 on May 14, 2008, 07:50:13 PM
Kev, if you're up for a Madras then I'm your man mate ;) ;D

I've had red snapper with red chillies and tomato sauce, and it is totally lovely ;D Not sure that we'll get that in an Inveraray though - in fact I can't recall seeing an Indian restaurant at all in the town. But, we'll see 8)

Title: Re: The trip home...
Post by: eyore on May 27, 2008, 07:54:12 AM
Congratulations Kev on the new addition,great post on the trip home and it looks lovely. Its a slippery slope to a collection.......... ;)

Title: Re: The trip home...
Post by: Kennedy of Sixmilebridge on May 27, 2008, 10:28:20 PM
So Kev, when I was going to Rome, you were coming back to Ireland.

You never saluted me ya fecker.

Nice photos, but I have one question:
who held the camera for you when you posed near the Eiffel tower ?