131mirafiori forum

131mirafiori home => General discussion => Topic started by: kes131 on June 24, 2008, 12:48:33 AM

Title: Austria Couriers to UK
Post by: kes131 on June 24, 2008, 12:48:33 AM
Hi all
Can any one help !!! I have recently bought some panels in Austria and I was wondering if any one had brought any panels from there ? Or if any one knows of any couriers that ship to the UK from Austria. I read some where in the forum that gls shipped from Germany !! Does anyone know if they ship from Austria as well ? Or any reasonable courier that does !!!!

Look forward to any response.

Regards Mark

Hi all
I had a response from the guy I bought the rear quarters of in Austria today and he had contacted a couple of? transport-service company?s and? managed to get the postage for 85 euros ( ?67 ) to my home town in UK.? which I must say I found to be very reasonable due to the size of the panels. I will update you all when I receive the panels which he said he would transport on 10th July and I should have them by the 15th July. I will also try and find out the name of the transporting company so that any one buying panels from Austria can maybe suggest using this same company for importing to the UK. And will also update on what condition the panels turn up in !!? 8)? ;)

regards Mark

Title: Re: Austria Couriers to UK
Post by: kes131 on June 24, 2008, 09:03:35 PM
Hi all
Any of the 131 forum who read my thread? i posted yesterday.? I have modifed my post after receiving response from the guy i bought the panels from in Austria in my previous thread above.

Regards Mark