131mirafiori forum

131mirafiori home => General discussion => Topic started by: kes131 on July 02, 2008, 09:55:20 PM

Post by: kes131 on July 02, 2008, 09:55:20 PM
Hi all? ;D
I have been trying to add photo to the Forum for sometime now. but just not sure what i have to do ??? can anyone? copy a pichture? they were going to add to the site, copy and paste it and send it to me in P M? so i can see what i have to do !! with the maxi size input for pichture as well !! got loads of photo's to add to forum!! ;D just dont know how to add them from pc albums!! :'(

And easy instructions to? ;)
Many thanks for any response? ;)


Post by: Thotos on July 02, 2008, 10:44:20 PM
There are two ways of posting photographs with messages:

  • You can add a 'pointer' within the message to a photograph stored somewhere on the Internet. This is the way it's done on most Internet forums and you simply need to enclose the image pointer with [ img] at the beginning of the pointer and [/img ] at the end of the pointer.  You can also use the (http://gammaconsortium.com/lanciagammaforum/Themes/LGF/images/bbc/img.gif) icon to automatically create the [ img] and [ /img] tags. Online photo albums such as Photobucket will automatically create the pointers for you for inclusion in forums but if you have a photograph on the Internet and you need to know its pointer location (URL) then simply right click on the image and select 'properties' to see the image's URL.
  • The other way to display a photograph on this forum is to upload it to this website from your PC (or other source). Uploaded images will be displayed at the end of messages and they are limited to 2 images per message and a total of 512KB for all uploads per message. Uploads can also be other files (allowed file types are doc, gif, jpg, mpg, pdf, png, txt, zip) which is useful for posting articles and videos as well as other types of files. But please remember there is a limit to this website's capacity and try to keep your uploaded files to a reasonable size and amount. To upload photographs or other documents, select Additional Options... when posting a message and enter the file name(s) in the Attach: field(s).

Post by: kes131 on July 02, 2008, 10:58:42 PM
Thank you For Your Response Theo I have got a photo bucket album I will download to them and upload to site. I am about to upload my friends 131 sport W REG I believe !! My friend cannot remember the REG !! maybe some one might recognise it!!