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131mirafiori home => General discussion => Topic started by: Kennedy of Sixmilebridge on September 07, 2008, 10:37:02 PM

Title: Transporting classics from Italy.
Post by: Kennedy of Sixmilebridge on September 07, 2008, 10:37:02 PM
Does anyone know a company / person willing to transport
a classic from Italy to Ireland, and not rape you (pricewise) in the process ?

I'm not having much luck finding anyone...

any suggestions ?

Title: Re: Transporting classics from Italy.
Post by: simon131 on September 08, 2008, 06:09:18 AM
I looked into this quite a bit when I purchased both my Abarth (in 2004) and then a year later my Racing, and like you was alarmed at the riddiculously high prices quoted. There are several problems that any potential transport company would need to consider if keeping a price low

1) the high cost of fuel
2) paying for the labour, food and accommodation of the guy driving, or paying for two drivers! :o
3) the limited hours a person can drive whilst working before taking a statutory break
4) tolls and charges
5) having a paying load in both directions so as to always be travelling 'full'.
6) the 'car hating' Swiss! (can only tow a trailer with a car if using a 4-wheel drive vehicle!)

In the end I went for the 'drive it home yourself' option both times - and lots of fun was had by all! :o The problems with this option though are

1) you need to view and test the vehicle first really to satisfy yourself that it is worth buying!
2) you need the time to bring it home (days)
3) the car needs to be 'roadworthy' - and the Italians have a very different idea to most of the rest of us! ;)
4) there is a cost associated with all of this too which is probably not much less than getting a transport company to do it - but at least you'll have the experience - etched into your mind forever :-\ :D

Certain companies specialise in European Classic Car transportation - but none of them are cheap.

Title: Re: Transporting classics from Italy.
Post by: eugene on September 08, 2008, 09:26:40 AM
Get Kev to drive it back.He is in Italy/Sicily at the moment,so i'm sure he would like this. ;) ;D.Eugene