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131mirafiori home => General discussion => Topic started by: mirafioriman on October 10, 2008, 08:37:06 PM

Title: Does anybody remember.......
Post by: mirafioriman on October 10, 2008, 08:37:06 PM
A brand new 131 shell being for sale. I could just be imagining it, but I seem to remember that a couple of years ago there was supposed to be a new 131 shell for sale. I think it was up north somewhere near leeds. Before I got to it it had already been sold and luckily for me it was a two door shell so I was not that upset about missing it. Does anyone else remember this, better still is the person who bought it building a car from it? 

Title: Re: Does anybody remember.......
Post by: mick131 on October 11, 2008, 06:11:43 PM
I think it was up north somewhere near leeds.

 :o..I'd love to know if that was true !!. I had been out of the "loop", as it where, for a good few years before I joined here.

Anymore info Dave ??.


Title: Re: Does anybody remember.......
Post by: mirafioriman on October 11, 2008, 07:31:58 PM
All I can remember is contacting somebody about it, it could have been classic car weekly, then again it could have been in response to a wanted ad! I remember it was sold before I got chance of it, but as it turned out to be a two door shell I was not too disappointed. If it had been a four door shell I would have been gutted!

Title: Re: Does anybody remember.......
Post by: Gremlino on October 12, 2008, 06:58:38 PM
I don't recall the 2 dr shell for sale.

From time to time parts and panels turn up that have been used as physical reference by the motor industry and anything structurally sound that turns up as 'new' must have been kept for reasons outside of the norm.

Other parts that turn up could have just been 'forgotten'.....as in Holtmann & Neidergerkers 124 Spider cars & parts haul that started their business...and Mick Woods 131 works car that turned up in Africa with containers of spares.

Just keep looking....you might get lucky  ;)