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131mirafiori home => General discussion => Topic started by: eugene on November 20, 2008, 09:33:36 PM

Title: Fiat/Yugo
Post by: eugene on November 20, 2008, 09:33:36 PM
I just read a article on the Lada forum,that Fiat have bought out Yugo,which is in Serbia.
Future plans of Fiat are to transform the Yugo range of cars and to re-launch them on the European market.
It will be intresting to see what changes will be made ::) ::).Eugene

Title: Re: Fiat/Yugo
Post by: djape1977 on November 21, 2008, 10:46:52 PM
since i'm from serbia, i think that it's my job to give you some more info:

whole Yugo range was scrapped couple of months ago. none will be produced anymore in Serbia. whole assembly line will be moved to Egypt in next few months and production will be resumed in El-Nasr. no more serbian f128!

last week, the zastava factory (yugo was a brand) completed production of spare parts for next 7yrs which is due by law, in order to keep on the road some 450.000 registered yugo vehicles in Serbia.

no changes will be made to existing yugo range, completely new models will be produced! Still a big secret which ones. there is some talk of new fiat's low budget models. Something like Dacia in Renault, or Skoda in WV?