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131mirafiori home => General discussion => Topic started by: mirafioriman on December 09, 2008, 07:20:26 PM

Title: Fiat 131 values.
Post by: mirafioriman on December 09, 2008, 07:20:26 PM
To help perspective buyers and generate some healthy discussion, what do people think about current 131 values. For what its worth here is my opinion.


Undoubtidly the highest value cars except for perhaps low volume specials like the Volumetrico. Obviously it depends on condition, RHD cars are rare as we know, good ones I would say fetch ?5000 upwards. In Europe very nice cars are advertised for sometimes as much as double this. Prices for sport restoration projects vary based on condition too, I would estimate that you would pay between ?1000 and ?2000 for a restorable sport (if you can find one!)

4 doors:

Worth much less than sports although prices have hardened a little recently. Cars requiring work can fetch between ?300 and ?800, good four doors can be seen for sale sometimes for between ?1000 and ?2000. Twin cam engined early cars seem to be more sought after than others as do early series 1 cars. Again in Europe we have seen much higher prices being asked for 4 doors too, although some have been for sale for some time.....

Abarths? Well some roadgoing cars have been seen advertised for around 50,000 Euro and rally cars over 100,000 Euro.

I try to come up with my values from 'real' sales and advertised prices. Basing things on advertised prices alone is little use as cars do not always make what their sellers are asking. Also it does depend on the car in question too. Some cars are that little bit 'extra special' and will often make more. Ebay can also inflate prices as it gives a much wider audience the chance to buy.

Hopefully this will start a constructive and meaningful debate  ;D

Title: Re: Fiat 131 values.
Post by: gerafiori on December 09, 2008, 09:28:14 PM
wonder would i get 1000euro for my rusty grey shell?
you got me thinking now  ::)

Title: Re: Fiat 131 values.
Post by: mirafioriman on December 09, 2008, 09:45:06 PM
There are a couple of people in England who claim to be looking for a sport or a sport shell, so I think it would definately be worth a go. I think the easiest way to get a good price at the moment would be to stick it on ebay with a good write up. I can only think of one sport recently that sold cheaply and that one is so rotten it is now banana shaped!

If I had the space and money even I might be interested, but currently I don't!

Title: Re: Fiat 131 values.
Post by: gerafiori on December 09, 2008, 09:58:07 PM
well not like a bannana yet but getting there but you never know
a good write up might be hard to do in this case :D

Title: Re: Fiat 131 values.
Post by: alan.acs on December 10, 2008, 07:22:42 PM
How rusty or how bad.