131mirafiori forum

131mirafiori home => For Sale and Wanted => Topic started by: italianxrays on January 12, 2009, 02:27:35 PM

Title: Another 131 For sale UK ebay
Post by: italianxrays on January 12, 2009, 02:27:35 PM
Lots of interest, do we know this car ? shame about the sunroof though.

Title: Re: Another 131 For sale UK ebay
Post by: kev131 on January 12, 2009, 05:41:47 PM
Never seen it before but it looks a cracker - Cant see what engine it is but if its a 2000, very desirable - Looks like its ready for 3MA09 too - Shame it's RHD though!!? ;) ;D

Title: Re: Another 131 For sale UK ebay
Post by: mirafioriman on January 12, 2009, 06:28:01 PM
This car I think sold on ebay a while ago. I think someone posted the ebay ad up on here. As the seller says it had been off the road for a long time. Providing it is not rotten underneath it looks like it was a good car.

Title: Re: Another 131 For sale UK ebay
Post by: italianxrays on January 12, 2009, 06:44:45 PM
Dave, if you have any details I would be interested.
As I have posted previously my dearly departed Uncle left 35 + old classic cars on his land which were all but 3 ( 850 x2 + early suicide door 500) taken for scrap.

My understanding is that before I was consulted they had all gone to a local scrap merchant.

I know he purchased a white 2 litre 4 door after our memorable journey in my Super, he was so impressed, I think I showed off a bit then all the way to Brooklands event. I think thats why he wanted one.

If this car was originally from the Hedley Borden area of Hampshire then it is his, and as I have more than sufficient the funds may just take a punt, it does look very sound, with a current MOT too !!.

Cheers for any info at all.

Title: Re: Another 131 For sale UK ebay
Post by: mirafioriman on January 12, 2009, 06:51:52 PM
I remember it was definitely well 'down south' as I remember thinking how far it was away from me. Can not remember if it was in Hampshire though, perhaps some other members will as it was in their neck of the woods. Why not contact the seller, explain the situation and ask. As they are selling the car I'm sure they would tell you where the car came from if it helps to sell it for a good price.? ;D

Also it sold for about ?650 or so if memory serves me right. It looks like the current owner has spent quite a bit on it judging by the description. As it has been resprayed though I would urge a little caution as it may have been rusty and not properly repaired.

Title: Re: Another 131 For sale UK ebay
Post by: jasonh131 on January 12, 2009, 08:15:25 PM
this does look like a nice motor,,, i would have had this one instead of my  14 cl ;)

Title: Re: Another 131 For sale UK ebay
Post by: mirafioriman on January 12, 2009, 08:28:55 PM
You could always buy it and then sell your 1.4 CL!

Title: Re: Another 131 For sale UK ebay
Post by: simon131 on January 13, 2009, 07:21:56 AM
Hi Guys,

Yes, this is the car that was on ebay about a year ago, and was then being sold from Liphook,? southern Hampshire. I was particularly interested for a number of reasons, but mainly because
1) It's a 2000TC series 3 Super! ;D
2) It was for sale only about 20 miles from where I live. ;)

I bid on the car the first time round but after it reached what I thought was a very high price for a car that had been stood for 12 years, I let it go.? :'(

By the look of it the new owner has spent a lot of money on the car, and I can't see the reserve being particularly low as he'll want to get his money back.

It's a shame that the car was resprayed as the paint could cover all sorts of nasties (as Dave has mentioned), but provided the car was stood under cover for those 12 years I can't see that the body would be too bad - but Buyer Beware!

Title: Re: Another 131 For sale UK ebay
Post by: Tas131 on January 13, 2009, 08:24:37 AM
1) It's a 2000TC series 3 Super! ;D

How do you tell? That's exactly the same as mine except for the colour and I thought mine was a series 2.

Title: Re: Another 131 For sale UK ebay
Post by: italianxrays on January 13, 2009, 09:06:04 AM
 :) I am certain now this must be the same car, if so, all the cars were kept under some type of cover, some in sheds / garages others with temporary structures / tarpaulins over them.
This was in an attempt to stop action from the L.A. who were always on his case about his old cars.
He would simply let the tax run out if they needed work for an MOT then buy another cheap run around.
I will check car details with my nephew who arranged clearance of the land, I did see a brief glimpse of it on a video taken at time as there were also old rotorvators, Lambretta scooters, Schwinn bicycle etc.
I agree about the comments but think at MOT any serious rust issues to floor pan / brake lines  etc would be picked up on ?
I have  emailed the seller :-\

Title: Re: Another 131 For sale UK ebay
Post by: simon131 on January 13, 2009, 09:41:29 AM
Yes, agreed about the floor/structural rot, but rot on door bottoms and around filler neck can easily be filled with 'plod' and sprayed over rather than being properly cut out and replaced with metal.

Let us know how you get on Ian.


Title: Re: Another 131 For sale UK ebay
Post by: mirafioriman on January 14, 2009, 10:14:20 PM
Just been looking at the pictures again. I see what people mean about the interior. The drivers seat base material is shredded to bits. Just shows how poor the material was that Fiat used on most of these late 131s. Or, perhaps the mileage of 58,000 is really 158,000? Who knows?

Title: Re: Another 131 For sale UK ebay
Post by: eugene on January 14, 2009, 10:18:41 PM
Ok,i got some info on this 131.The car must make 5000 UK Sterling.The owner has spent 3200 UK Sterling on it.If it doesn't make the price he is looking for,then he is going to hold onto it.
It will be intresting to see what it will make on e-bay.
Hope this info is help to ye all ;).Eugene

Title: Re: Another 131 For sale UK ebay
Post by: gerafiori on January 14, 2009, 10:26:11 PM
i guess he will have it for another while then

Title: Re: Another 131 For sale UK ebay
Post by: theredx19 on January 16, 2009, 08:32:08 PM
Why are people making unfounded remarks about other peoples cars as this can be very fustrating to car owners as nobody likes comments made about them or their cars which are without foundation. Maybe this car is perfect not a bit of rust on it which would be lovely and a rare but not an impossible find now. But come on there is a clean looking car for someone who is looking for a 131 and a good price with the euro as strong as it is at the moment as how much would it cost to turn an alright 131 into a clean 131, I think that car is priced well at that maybe a bit high but if you love the car what does money matter enjoy the car....

Title: Re: Another 131 For sale UK ebay
Post by: mirafioriman on January 16, 2009, 10:27:26 PM
I don't think people are making unfounded comments, I just think we are all advising caution. If you have not seen the car yourself can you be truly satisfied that it really is worth a lot of money. The sad fact is that these Fiats rust and can rust badly. I have seen many cars which on close inspection are indeed rusty and often when they at first looked like excellent cars. I hope this car really is a good one, but personally I would not be willing to spend the kind of money being talked about here without seeing it in person. If you spend a couple of hundred on a car and it turns out to be rusty (like my 130 which is much rustier than I first thought despite gaining a genuine MOT without much welding shortly after I got it) it is not the end of the world, however, if you have just spent top mone you would be rather more upset!

If you are after a good 131 four door I would certainly recommend considering this one, just make sure you see it first. A couple of hundred spent on travelling to see it is much better than taking a chance on wasting thousands in my opinion.

On a similar note I have had two people contact me recently who are interested in getting a 131. I have pointed them in the direction of this ebay car, if anyone else is selling their 131 let me know and I will put you in contact with them.

Title: Re: Another 131 For sale UK ebay
Post by: markwilliams131 on January 16, 2009, 10:30:48 PM
here here well said dave 

Title: Re: Another 131 For sale UK ebay
Post by: brensport on January 17, 2009, 11:50:45 AM
Which Dave are you agreeing with Mark  :-\ :-\ ;)

Title: Re: Another 131 For sale UK ebay
Post by: theredx19 on January 17, 2009, 06:35:21 PM
Well Dave I dont think anyone is mad enough to buy without seeing it in person but I bought my 124 that way as I asked the vendor like anyone would to send me photos of any rust before flying to Italy and all I got was a photo of rust on the rear exhaust. When I put the car up on his ramp it was as described rust free and all original metal work on it and brensport will back me up on it. We do need to show caution when parting with our cash but then if somebody has said they have put alot of effort into a car should we automatically assume they are telling non truths each time  :o :o :o

Title: Re: Another 131 For sale UK ebay
Post by: italianxrays on January 18, 2009, 03:04:01 PM
 :) Hi everyone, its my birthday today !!!! I'm a little under 60 ? well 3 years or less anyway.
The Alfa Alfetta saloon has had to go.......today with tears in my eyes, my wife thinks I must be mad. I've saved the lovely Campagnola alloys as PCD is same for the 131 I think.
Wanted to say since losing my 9-5 have had to turn to taxi driving so you all know the rub...long unsocial hours, drunks, agro, runners etc etc. but helps pay the bills.

Now, I wanted to say something.....I searched for a 131 for all the wrong reasons all those 15+ years ago, I ran a 73 Midget & using a Fiat T/C engine is one conversion ( not often done )
Pranged  the MG big time so enjoyed driving the 131 so much just had to keep her as my everyday car for 5 years or more.

Simon, in my FTCR days as secretary you were so obviously a fanatic of the marque, well respected etc. & as you state within FMC circles (write that book)I know the register went through changes, we thought at that time to progress and encompass the more recent models with TC derivative engines, perhaps in hind sight the direction was not entirely right, but in life as in business if you stagnate then eventually you may........ well ?
I hope my Uncles old 131, for I am certain it was his car, finds another caring owner, as it "appears" to have been brought back to life at considerable cost, so another saved...........as for price that is in my opinion not relevant.
If you have the money and want something buy at your own peril, for my sons 21st a few weeks back I bought him a series 1 1965 MGB GT. wince............and blind....it is all as was described by the enthusiast owner...........so for now no regrets...........??
I did try to convince him I knew of a nice Giulia ti saloon for a little more..oh well.

This Forum achieves so much worldwide and without one hopes all of the politics that can fester in clubs with financial responsibilities / committees etc.

Lets keep it light, informative, fun and most of all with one common purpose keeping alive as many 131,s as possible with spares knowledge sharing etc.

To all of the hardworking members that keep this going - well done, during difficult times last year it was for me at least a saviour.

Well I'm off now for another 10 hour shift until 1.00am.

My 131 emerges.........soon, promise but,sadly I,ve decided not to go for this one..and concentrate on getting mine back on the road so watch this space. :D

Title: Re: Another 131 For sale UK ebay
Post by: simon131 on January 18, 2009, 03:36:09 PM
Many, many congratulations on your birthday Ian ;). It's shame that you have to work though isn't it? ::)

I am chuffed that in some small way this forum has been a high point over the last 'low' year for you. This is after all what we are all about here.? ;D

Unfortunately, as with all things, if you are prepared to stand up and be counted someone with take a pot shot at you, if for no other reason than they can! I have often been 'shot at', even on these pages, for making a comment that a person has taken the wrong way and it can be very hurtful.

Theo, Kevin and I set this forum up to promote what we hoped would be an annual 131 gathering (3MA) and along the way we seem to have gathered momentum, with the number of forum members far exceeding our expectations, and we've made a great many new friends along the way, as well as re-newing old acquaintances (like you and I Ian). ;D 8)

Unfortunately, the bigger a club or 'community' grows the less likely it is that all the members share the same view, and the more difficult it can be to provide the 'glue' that holds the thing together. The 'glue' in this 'community' though is the Fiat 131 and I'm certain that all of the members of this forum live for the model - despite any misconceived view to the contrary.

I am sorry that you've decided now not to try to buy your Uncle's Super. It would have been nice for you to have it.? :'( But look on the bright side, you can now concentrate on your own car - and get her back on the road for the coming season.

The last few years with this forum have been a roller coaster, a few ups and downs, but always at the end of the day great fun and something that I can't get off. The ride keeps running and the number of passengers keeps increasing - and long may that continue. ;D

Title: Re: Another 131 For sale UK ebay
Post by: curt on January 18, 2009, 04:27:30 PM
Here Here -Well said Simon-even though  I may not have a 131 (yet) I thoroughly enjoy reading all the posts and pictures  that are sent from all members around the world on this fabulous car  ;D ;D
If it was not for you ,Theo and Kevin and all the other guys what on earth would I read at the weekend  ;D ;D
Keep up the good work and never get dis-heartened by the pot shotters who do not appreciate the time and energy you guys all contribute to make this forum what it is

Im sure that all fellow forum members would agree with me - and if not then they can forumate somewhere else  ;D ;D

Good Work you guys

Keep it going

Title: Re: Another 131 For sale UK ebay
Post by: Thotos on January 18, 2009, 04:32:12 PM

 :) Hi everyone, its my birthday today !!!!

Happy Birthday !!


Title: Re: Another 131 For sale UK ebay
Post by: curt on January 18, 2009, 04:37:25 PM
A Very Happy Birthday to you Ian? ;D ;D ;D
Did you get furry 131 dice for your car ?
or better still a new 131 on your driveway? ;D ;D

Title: Re: Another 131 For sale UK ebay
Post by: mirafioriman on January 18, 2009, 06:02:40 PM
Well, it made ?2450. Well short of what we were told the owner wanted for it. I think it made a decent price for a 4 door. Will be interesting to see if it gets re-listed or if the owner decides to keep it.

Title: Re: Another 131 For sale UK ebay
Post by: kev131 on January 18, 2009, 06:22:20 PM
That is a v good price for a 4 door. I hope it is genuine and reflects the increased values of these cars - There is always a risk that bidders on Ebay are not genuine though!!? ???

Happy Birthday Ian - Hope the shift work is not too onerous...!

Curt - Thanks for the kind words and encouragement on the forum - The success of the forum will be down to demand from members which thankfully seems quite healthy at the moment.? ;)

Title: Re: Another 131 For sale UK ebay
Post by: markwilliams131 on January 18, 2009, 08:27:40 PM
it was a genuine bid  ;) ;)

Title: Re: Another 131 For sale UK ebay
Post by: kev131 on January 18, 2009, 08:37:15 PM
I see - Do tell us more...!  :)

Title: Re: Another 131 For sale UK ebay
Post by: theredx19 on January 18, 2009, 09:20:55 PM
If you have to worry how much the car costs you A, cant afford it or B, just want to make some money off it, just buy a car because you love it be ruled by your heart and not your head ::) ::)

Title: Re: Another 131 For sale UK ebay
Post by: kev131 on January 18, 2009, 09:30:57 PM
If you have to worry how much the car costs you A, cant afford it or B, just want to make some money off it, just buy a car because you love it be ruled by your heart and not your head ::) ::)

Not sure I totally agree with you there Dave. Isn't it possible to follow both and end up with the ideal result...? My heart motivated me to look seriously for a Sport for 6 years, my head told me to discount everything that didn't meet the condition/cost mix I had set!? :)

Title: Re: Another 131 For sale UK ebay
Post by: theredx19 on January 19, 2009, 05:52:43 AM
No true you should have criterias set aside but an Italian car no matter what one is a passion and as such should be ruled by the heart.... if we used our heads we would all be driving some delightful version of a micra or even something worse   :o :o :o

Title: Re: Another 131 For sale UK ebay
Post by: TreviDash on February 24, 2009, 11:54:30 PM
Well, it made ?2450. Well short of what we were told the owner wanted for it. I think it made a decent price for a 4 door. Will be interesting to see if it gets re-listed or if the owner decides to keep it.

Hello all!

New here.  Been chatting to mirafioriman on another forum and thought I'd take a look over here.

My first car was a 1977 2-door 1st series 1300.  So quick off the mark (with the short diff ratio) that it to upset MK2 1600 Sport lads in the neighbourhood.  They hated me because I wouldn't conform.  Loved it to bits.  Rotbox though.  Ever since they've been in the back of my mind: if a series two four-door came my way I'd have it sort of thing.  I thought they were still pocket money motors (non-Sports I mean)....

Shock horror are four door 131s now this pricey???   :o

Unsold at ?2500 still seems heavy for a blown-over ?600 car with just service items and brake work??  Just compare that to how low Lancia Betas go for, even Volumexs....

I'll post again, later.  Am still in shock.

Cheers all!


Title: Re: Another 131 For sale UK ebay
Post by: mirafioriman on February 24, 2009, 11:55:26 PM
Glad you joined us! 131 prices do seem to be on the up at the moment. That particular 131 did make a pretty good price in my opinion, but did not sell. It was sold on ebay as a barn find about a year or so ago for about ?650. Hard to say how good the respray etc was as I have not seen the car in the flesh.

Title: Re: Another 131 For sale UK ebay
Post by: TreviDash on February 25, 2009, 12:15:58 AM
Hello again Dave  ;D

Looking at your avatar I know I remember your car on fleabay some months back.  I've no recollection what it went for though?

Looking at your sig, it's about time i went and took a trip way north of me and take a sniff at this Panorama of yours   :)
Last one of those I saw (on mainland Blighty that is) was running backwards on the Wimbledon banger track around '90...



Title: Re: Another 131 For sale UK ebay
Post by: TreviDash on March 09, 2009, 12:59:39 AM
I contacted the seller, he still has it.

He's glad it didn't sell because he wanted to keep it, really.