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131mirafiori home => General discussion => Topic started by: bolger on March 07, 2009, 10:33:03 PM

Title: 131 manual and tech data repository
Post by: bolger on March 07, 2009, 10:33:03 PM
I think that we could prepare some 131 tech data repository. Some of the things are easily available (like Haynes), but some of them are not that common. I've recently acquired some of the Fiat tech books, like Rear axle manual, 131 Brava injection manual, 131 body repair manual and so on. I've also scanned version of Haynes that I've prepared while the internet trade was not so developed.  Obviously, without Fiat authorization (do we have anybody in Fiat ?) we can't put them on the web, but perhaps we could have some kind of the e-library we could establish ?  There are also fabulous ebooks from US mira site, which I think we could gather.
I can start with offering the 75-85 Haynes to the library (I'm sure we all have it, but we are not carrying it in our backpacks and someitimes it is useful to use the e-version where one is abroad)

Title: Re: 131 manual and tech data repository
Post by: 131DHOC on March 07, 2009, 10:42:53 PM
I think you can publish all the material that is not currently available from new, and since all official fiat stuff is out of stock, you could freely scan fiat manuals.

Title: Re: 131 manual and tech data repository
Post by: bolger on March 07, 2009, 10:51:27 PM
It probably depends on the country where server is ...

Title: Re: 131 manual and tech data repository
Post by: miro-1980 on March 08, 2009, 12:36:25 AM
Guys, this is a great idea ,

 I would be happy to make my donation to the e-library on 124 spider, 124 Abarth , 131 and 131 Abarth.
We would have to clarify the legal issues, though.

Maybe the best way is to clear it with Fiat first, because most of the materials are originally Fiat published. It looks reasonably probable that Fiat would allow us (on Fiat club membership basis) to establish Internet Archive for free use for the registered members.

Issues like Hynes would have to be resolved directly with the publisher, though I believe it will be a no go, as the publishers would believe that if they agree for one publication to be digitized and put on internet they loose option of making money - if  they decide to reprint it.  (Practically they will never reprint a technical manual for a car, which went out of production over 20 years ago.)   

Re out of stock materials: I am not quite sure - the issue is still debated.

See attached pdf document on Copyright and the Internet Library.

Maybe the event in Turin would be a good occasion to speak to Fiat officials on this.

I do not now the Fiat policy , but would expect that old technology technical documents, drawings and books should present no problem to Fiat. 

It actually would be a great gesture to all the vintage fiat lovers all over the world. They want to reintroduce Abarth into the market - why not raise awareness of the fiat history. It would actually not be unreasonable to ask Fiat to make their own library available to us for this purpose.

Lets us push this idea !
