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131mirafiori home => General discussion => Topic started by: simon131 on April 19, 2009, 04:51:08 PM

Title: At home with the 131s
Post by: simon131 on April 19, 2009, 04:51:08 PM
It's amazing how much better I feel when the sun comes out ;D Most of the time I'm a totally miserable, almost suicidal individual, but when the sun comes out, somehow, things seem better..........they're actually not, but seem to be :D :D :D

Took this picture earlier today - in the sunshine. All of my current 131s out having fun at home ;)

Give a man and camera and there's no stopping him! ::) ;D

I've just noticed, this is all of my (non-human) money sapping "possessions" in the same picture - Abarth, Racing and House.

Title: Re: At home with the 131s
Post by: jasonh131 on April 19, 2009, 05:53:53 PM
I ve been out tinkering in the sunshine washing ,new leads a spin to fill up , wishing there was a classic car pub meet this afternoon.... ;)
Don't get to down ,ive had it twice in 6 years it not nice after a while? :-\
 chin up and get polishing? ?

Title: Re: At home with the 131s
Post by: simon131 on April 19, 2009, 06:55:51 PM
Thanks for your thoughts Ja. It's difficult to stay positive all of the time, especially when the kids are asking for things and I keep having to say 'no'. Still, I hope things will get better on the work/income front soon - goodness knows I've been trying to find work fairly locally (within 50 miles), but it's looking more likely that I'll have to start considering work further afield - much further :-\

Title: Re: At home with the 131s
Post by: kev131 on April 19, 2009, 07:55:10 PM
Cheer up Si - This is just a temporary blip on the journey of life. Think of your friends, family, talents, your health and your endless ability to make people crack up with laughter...plus your stable of 131s - and then compare your life with someone in..... hmm... Iraq...! ;)

You must take me for a spin in the Abarth one day - I never knew that was the view of the bonnet from inside!

I had my Sport out in the sunshine today as well - Fantastic day for it.





Title: Re: At home with the 131s
Post by: Andy c on April 20, 2009, 06:27:46 PM
Aah Si, and here we are thinking rain or shine when your with Fab people on a Good Friday, (funny enough a couple called Si and Wendy)the weather can do what it likes, as nothing can stop us having a great time with great friends :D

Anita xxx

Title: Re: At home with the 131s
Post by: simon131 on April 21, 2009, 04:42:08 PM
I think some of you may be taking my suicidal tendancies a bit too literally! ;D My dear old Mum always said that if you talk about commiting suicide you'll never do it...I only hope she's correct! ;)

Nita, we too had a lovely time on the wet and rather cold Good Friday and would echo your comments about being with good friends. You and Andy are two lovely people and I hope that we are all friends together for a very long time, if not forever.? :)

By the way Nita, the blister on my left heel is still giving me problems. Started to bleed again yesterday ::) Perhaps I'll just have to throw those boots away.