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131mirafiori home => 3MA News and other events => Topic started by: parrish on May 26, 2009, 06:06:58 AM

Title: On our way!
Post by: parrish on May 26, 2009, 06:06:58 AM
Steve and Dawn, did 800km yesterday, spent the night on the Costa Brava off to Nimes tonight (500km)
See you all soon
Steve & Dawn

Title: Re: On our way!
Post by: parrish on May 26, 2009, 02:08:14 PM
553km Arrived Nimes 16:00,
500km tomorrow and will be in Turin.
Steve & Dawn

Title: Re: On our way!
Post by: parrish on May 27, 2009, 09:21:06 PM
490km and we arrived 15:00.
Others arrived early evening, have all been introduced and had dinner.
Off on a drive to a lake tomorrow.
Steve & Dawn

Title: Re: On our way!
Post by: parrish on May 29, 2009, 09:00:19 PM
After 3 days driving we spent the first day in Turin 'Driving' but what a drive, up into the hillls to lake Maggoire? i think i spelt that right, up and around the hills for a few spurts along winding mountain roads.
Didnt get back to the hotel until 23:30 ;D
Then up at 06:30 to head off to the pinacle of the trip, a visit to the FIAT factory, a drive around the famous test track and a tour of the factory followed by lunch at the Mirafiori Village ;D
There are more details that i can rememeber im sure Theo (My Chauffeur) will write more on the other thread just as soon as he gets a chance.
Off to a car museum tomorrow so must get to bed ;D
I didnt bring my down load leads so unfortunately cannot down load the pictures and videos that i have until i get back to Spain next week.
Steve & Dawn

Title: Re: On our way!
Post by: parrish on May 30, 2009, 06:25:13 PM
And today ' More Riding with Theo' im sure there's a book title there somewherehttp:// ;D
Also visited a motor museum and a Basilica! needless to say they were not both in the same place.
Unfortunately Dawn and i are off to Monte Carlo tomorrow so will not be joining the days activities.
We have had a wonderfull time and have met some new friends whom we hope to see again some time in the future.
Thanks to Theo and Simon for allowing me and Dawn to ride shot gun, next time maybe it will be our turn.
For now 'Ciao and ill post pictures when i get back home
Steve & Dawn

Title: Re: On our way!
Post by: parrish on May 31, 2009, 04:54:45 PM
We drove through the mountains on twisty windy roads to Monaco, stopped for lunch, drove the French Riviera and Cote D'Azur to Narbonne, our overnight stop.
Tommorrow home, Spain here we come! (only another 1200 kms to go!!)

Title: Re: On our way!
Post by: parrish on June 02, 2009, 02:20:51 PM
Steve & Dawn have arrived back home (Spain) safe and sound.

New thread with pictures comming up.