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131mirafiori home => General discussion => Topic started by: 131 Lover on July 26, 2009, 09:27:19 AM

Title: Autosprints
Post by: 131 Lover on July 26, 2009, 09:27:19 AM
I am interested in an engine that a guy has for sale, it has Autosprints camshafts, I Don't know if they are reground or from blanks!

Now on autosprints website they only have reground, have they ever sold new cams?
The engine was built for about 5 years ago!
How are they products, anyone with experience?

Alf  "131 lover"

Title: Re: Autosprints
Post by: 131 Lover on August 05, 2009, 04:02:45 PM
Somone in UK must have heard of Autosprint in Birmingham!
How are they products, cams?
Alf "131 lover"

Title: Re: Autosprints
Post by: sid131 on August 05, 2009, 04:46:50 PM
Hi Alf i just googled & got this looks like they are built up & reground

Title: Re: Autosprint
Post by: 131 Lover on August 06, 2009, 10:50:27 AM
Hi sid131 and all other!
I saw that site to, i just wonder if the cams can find their way here to Sweden,someone in UK/Ireland must heard of them or used  their products!

I mailed them and they responded with all facts on the cams, they are re grounds and Duration 284degrees and lift 10,5mm or ,415"  but no drive gear on the exhaust cam and i have no offset manifold for my Weber 40 IDF so no carbs or no cams!
Its a Beta 2l engine..
Regards Alf

Title: Re: Autosprints
Post by: sid131 on August 06, 2009, 06:46:37 PM
Hi Alf why dont you put a wanted advert for cam box & cam with the gear drive & then send them to autosprint to do their work on them & they will send them back?? i myself never heard of them before & cant really help you as i only have one cam with the drive, but i am sure you will get from someone on here, good luck Nick.