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131mirafiori home => General discussion => Topic started by: kev131 on August 22, 2009, 08:54:46 PM

Title: 131 Registrations in Ireland
Post by: kev131 on August 22, 2009, 08:54:46 PM
There is a contributor on Octane.ie with archival material from the SIMI (Society Irish Motor Industry) and he has some interesting data to share.

For example he has been able to state how many Fiat 131s were ever registered in Ireland up to 1983 namely: 17,964 Where did they all go...? ??? :o

He has also been able to give a breakdown by year but not unfortunately by model - I'd love to know how many Sports were registered! Anyway here is the breakdown:

1975 470
1976 1912
1977 3831
1978 3634
1979 1806
1980 1848
1981 2310
1982 340
1983 289

Which does not tally exactly with the total above...but it looks like it might be about right.

Interesting that the peak was during the S1, maintained by the change to S2 and revived again at S3. Severe drops afterwards though.... ???

For comparison purposes there were:

2,087 x 132s
10,263 x Ritmos
47 x 130s
376 x 125s (including Polski 125s)
3,237 x 124s
11,872 x 128s
28,058 x 127s
2,074 x 126s
1,786 x Pandas
218 x Argentas

Title: Re: 131 Registrations in Ireland
Post by: mirafioriman on August 22, 2009, 09:13:27 PM
Interesting data there Kev. Makes the 130 the rarest then followed by the Argenta. No wonder finding parts for these two is so difficult ::)

Title: Re: 131 Registrations in Ireland
Post by: theredx19 on August 23, 2009, 11:31:37 AM
Dont know if the 130 figures are right as I know a good few people who had them over the years and some of them had more then 1 and this was when they were still a fresh car...

Title: Re: 131 Registrations in Ireland
Post by: sid131 on August 23, 2009, 11:42:42 AM
now now Dave you dont know 47 people??

Title: Re: 131 Registrations in Ireland
Post by: theredx19 on August 23, 2009, 11:53:32 AM
I know people you dont know ;D ;D but these figures are from the time when you had to register your own car as lets face it plate swapping was common enough back then but we always got the newest variant of the Fiat and Lancia range in November and on went the trade plates....