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131mirafiori home => General discussion => Topic started by: theredx19 on September 12, 2009, 08:38:13 PM

Title: Genuine Irish Abarth
Post by: theredx19 on September 12, 2009, 08:38:13 PM
Well I know this should be in the seek them we seek them there section but I think this is more a general discussion. Was talking to some of the older Fiat Ireland people during the week and telling them of the GK event to which one of them told me about a 131 Abarth which Fiat Ireland had in the day and I am wondering does anyone know of its where abouts as the only thing is it was driven on trade plates for demos as the Motor Tax office could not work out the rate of tax on it but I know that they did end up with some interesting stuff in Fiat at the time as I remember the father having pretty much one off cars in the day. So if any one knows of any info on this car as remember it is from a time when many dealers kept the special cars in storage and never registered them.

Title: Re: Genuine Irish Abarth
Post by: brensport on September 12, 2009, 09:08:43 PM
Dave i seem 2 remember   r umers about that machine but i did not take it for real  imagine if this car exists somewhare what it would be worth 8) 8) 8

Title: Re: Genuine Irish Abarth
Post by: eugene on September 13, 2009, 06:13:51 AM
Well,if it is a genuine Abarth,it would be LHD.That should make it easier to find ::).Eugene

Title: Re: Genuine Irish Abarth
Post by: 20vturbo on September 13, 2009, 03:31:15 PM
how would it make it easier to find after 30 years?

Title: Re: Genuine Irish Abarth
Post by: eugene on September 13, 2009, 03:35:44 PM
Because 99.99% of cars in Eire are RHD.Eugene

Title: Re: Genuine Irish Abarth
Post by: theredx19 on September 13, 2009, 08:07:23 PM
Well Eugene just about all the sports cars and one offs we had were lhd and a few even came registered to Fiat Torino so they even had TO plates on them but this car was unregistered as I know that Fiat had a 124 abarth around the same time as the dad use to have it but we never minded the lhd thing....

Title: Re: Genuine Irish Abarth
Post by: brensport on September 13, 2009, 08:45:09 PM
 Eugune i think ure on something unless the north star is shineing down on it  how would it be easeir 2 find a lhd than a rhd i agree fully with 20v turbo ::) ::) ::)

Title: Re: Genuine Irish Abarth
Post by: eugene on September 14, 2009, 06:41:08 AM
Well,if it was LHD it should jog a persons mind more easier,because of the steering wheel being on the incorrect side,also a LHD in Eire sticks out like a sore thumb ::).Eugene

Title: Re: Genuine Irish Abarth
Post by: theredx19 on September 14, 2009, 11:16:25 PM
LHD is the euro norm as we are "wrong" with RHD but back in those days there would have been few people who could get near a car like that on the road to see where the wheel was and it would have been kept fairly well hidden when parked up....

Title: Re: Genuine Irish Abarth
Post by: 20vturbo on September 15, 2009, 02:24:27 PM
well with it being lhd,did it jog your memory?

Title: Re: Genuine Irish Abarth
Post by: theredx19 on September 15, 2009, 07:21:04 PM
The 131 abarth was before my time but I know the dad had a 124 abarth when they were launched but the lhd never sticks in my mind as we had that many of them...

Title: Re: Genuine Irish Abarth
Post by: theredx19 on September 21, 2009, 06:17:27 PM
Well the holy graile has been found but the owner has asked for no more information to be passed on but that it is in "new" condition and located in the border counties.....

Title: Re: Genuine Irish Abarth
Post by: eugene on September 21, 2009, 06:35:11 PM
Having seen what theredx19 has written at the bottom of his posts(MORE FIATS THEN MOST PEOPLE HAVE HAD HOT DINNERS) all i can do is laugh :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) ;D ;D ;Dand with all his Fiats he is planning in coming to a classic Fiat event in a Beamer or a Jag(See another post where he says this).Could you bring the Lada Niva ??? ::),because it is a cousin of Fiat ::) ::) ::),but a Beamer or a Jag has no relationship in anyway whatsoever with Fiat.By the way,this event is not taking place on April the 1st ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ;)Eugene

Title: Re: Genuine Irish Abarth
Post by: alan.acs on September 21, 2009, 06:41:58 PM
Well theredx19 glad its been found pity it cant be viewed but at least its safe and well.

Title: Re: Genuine Irish Abarth
Post by: theredx19 on September 21, 2009, 06:56:46 PM
Having seen what theredx19 has written at the bottom of his posts(MORE FIATS THEN MOST PEOPLE HAVE HAD HOT DINNERS) all i can do is laugh :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) ;D ;D ;Dand with all his Fiats he is planning in coming to a classic Fiat event in a Beamer or a Jag(See another post where he says this).Could you bring the Lada Niva ??? ::),because it is a cousin of Fiat ::) ::) ::),but a Beamer or a Jag has no relationship in anyway whatsoever with Fiat.By the way,this event is not taking place on April the 1st ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ;)Eugene

The Lada Niva had nothing to do with Fiat as it was Ladas own design thought you might know that as the Riva was the only Fiat inspired Lada  ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) but I have checked my calander and April is another few months away but if you want to know none of my classics have rear seat belts as I was going to bring my new family so an XJ would have been a perfect car for the trip  :o :o :o :o but does this not belong in the GK09 thread as I will be there and in a car that Gerry would have approved of none of this russian stuff that gave Fiat the cancer :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(

Title: Re: Genuine Irish Abarth
Post by: brensport on September 21, 2009, 08:30:46 PM

Title: Re: Genuine Irish Abarth
Post by: theredx19 on September 21, 2009, 09:23:41 PM

Was that Eugene being hurtful sure Owner of 5 LADA NIVAS, now that makes me laugh as I only made the mistake once not 5 times  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Genuine Irish Abarth
Post by: eugene on September 22, 2009, 09:58:23 AM
Having seen what theredx19 has written at the bottom of his posts(MORE FIATS THEN MOST PEOPLE HAVE HAD HOT DINNERS) all i can do is laugh :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) ;D ;D ;Dand with all his Fiats he is planning in coming to a classic Fiat event in a Beamer or a Jag(See another post where he says this).Could you bring the Lada Niva ??? ::),because it is a cousin of Fiat ::) ::) ::),but a Beamer or a Jag has no relationship in anyway whatsoever with Fiat.By the way,this event is not taking place on April the 1st ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ;)Eugene

The Lada Niva had nothing to do with Fiat as it was Ladas own design thought you might know that as the Riva was the only Fiat inspired Lada  ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) but I have checked my calander and April is another few months away but if you want to know none of my classics have rear seat belts as I was going to bring my new family so an XJ would have been a perfect car for the trip  :o :o :o :o but does this not belong in the GK09 thread as I will be there and in a car that Gerry would have approved of none of this russian stuff that gave Fiat the cancer :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
There are many parts on the Niva which will fit into the series one 131.The door locks,radiator,donut,indicator/headlight switch on the steering colum are identical,carberattor,starter motor,the air vents on the dash are the same as Fiat 128,etc,etc,so the Niva is a cosin of Fiat.Sorry i didn't know you had so many children ::) ::).Maybe you should come in a VW transporter mini bus instead ;D :D.I could also forward you my hammer for setting the timing,maybe you might be able to set the timing on one of your Fiats with it :D :D :D :D :D :D :D.
About Russia giving Fiat cancer,,you are not correct on that one,as i am in Ukraine since the last 2 months and i have perfect old Volgas(gaz21model)over 50years old still runing perfect on the streets here everyday.You won't find that situtation in many countries today ::) ::) ::).Eugene

Title: Re: Genuine Irish Abarth
Post by: theredx19 on September 22, 2009, 10:11:13 AM
Good man but even Lada said that the Niva was there first inhouse creation but as for hammers setting the timing that is a butchers way as I normally do mine with a timing light and a 4 gas tester. As for the Russian cancer steel it was in the 70's that the steel deal was done so a Volga from the 50's would be 20 years prior to the cheap recycled steel that russia had used in the 70's deal. But I only have one child but in Ireland you still need belts in the rear for a passenger and my cars are factory spec so belts in the front were rare..... but really look forward to Kerry now meeting up with all the old friends....