131mirafiori forum

131mirafiori home => General discussion => Topic started by: pintopower on November 03, 2009, 10:31:19 PM

Title: A car that you would never see in Las Vegas Nevada
Post by: pintopower on November 03, 2009, 10:31:19 PM
Hello gents! My friend the administrator to www.ritmo-world.com, has flown out for a vacation and taken me up on my offer to stay at my home! Well, I drove him from where I live in Los Angeles, CA to Las Vegas Nevada. Well, we could have taken my W124 036 (92 MBZ 500E) but I decided that we would take something special. We loaded up my Ritmo Cabrio and drove out to Vegas! If any of you are ever in Los Angeles, give me a ring and maybe a Fiat in Las Vegas can be in your cards!




Sorry I could not post the photos directly, it is not my Flickr account.

We also saw this at a car show in the parking lot





Title: Re: A car that you would never see in Las Vegas Nevada
Post by: mirafioriman on November 03, 2009, 10:51:47 PM

Title: Re: A car that you would never see in Las Vegas Nevada
Post by: sid131 on November 04, 2009, 07:49:46 AM
why has the ritmo got a second number plate at the back?

Title: Re: A car that you would never see in Las Vegas Nevada
Post by: Kennedy of Sixmilebridge on November 04, 2009, 11:30:04 AM
Because the Italian export plates are still underneath.

Maybe it's a style thing ??