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131mirafiori home => 3MA News and other events => Topic started by: Thotos on December 15, 2009, 09:33:47 PM

Title: 3ma10 - Watch out for the Lancias!
Post by: Thotos on December 15, 2009, 09:33:47 PM
It seems the Black Forest in Germany is THE place to be next year for car events. We had started to formulate a plan for 3ma10 on Saturday morning the 17th of May 2008 while on 3ma08. Ren? (131akafa) decided to take a break from driving so came as a passenger in my car. At some point during the morning Ren? mentioned the Black Forest (while filming this (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2W_UR3ZxVoE)  ;)) and nice driving routes and I said I always wanted to go there and I really like Black Forest Gateau  ;D. So I suggested to Ren? that he should organise 3ma10 in the Black Forest (the idea of 3ma09 in Turin was suggested by Simon while in Killarney in 2007 - so we seem to plan two years ahead!)  and he wasn't resistant to the idea. So the '3ma Team' was planning for 3ma10 in the Black Forest for a long time and therefore we can't be accused of copying others; but it seems others are copying us!

First the Lancia Gamma fraternity are having the 'Mega Meeting' MM2010 (http://gammaconsortium.com/lanciagammaforum/index.php?topic=535.msg5953#msg5953) in the Black Forest based in Stuttgart from the 23rd to the 25th of April 2010. I hope to be there if my Gamma is back on the road by then  :-\.

But getting back to the subject of this post, the German Lancia Club have now also decided to hold their Spring meeting in the Black Forest from the 13th of May to the 16th of May 2010 so there's likely to be many Lancias driving around the Black Forest when we are there for 3ma10. Details of the German Lancia meeting can be seen on their website www.lanciaclubdeutschland.de (http://translate.google.com/translate?js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&layout=1&eotf=1&u=http://www.lanciaclubdeutschland.de/&sl=de&tl=en).

Title: Re: 3ma10 - Watch out for the Lancias!
Post by: kev131 on December 15, 2009, 09:51:09 PM
No bad thing in my mind Theo - The more classic Italian cars the better! :)

Title: Re: 3ma10 - Watch out for the Lancias!
Post by: Tas131 on December 16, 2009, 08:30:25 AM
Anyone know of any good RHD Monte Carlos for sale?