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131mirafiori home => General discussion => Topic started by: brensport on December 30, 2009, 12:27:48 AM

Post by: brensport on December 30, 2009, 12:27:48 AM
Just remembering an old friend GERRY KENNEDY this time 2 years ago he left my house in great form little did i know what we were faceing later on in the day in my thoughts forever  :( :( :(

Post by: djape1977 on December 30, 2009, 01:40:06 AM
as far as i've been able to piece the facts together, he was one of the very few true 132 entusiasts in the world.
respect from me.
whish i had known him or had a chance to snoop around in his back yard

Post by: sid131 on December 30, 2009, 08:46:03 AM
I never had the pleasure of meeting the man but in his memory i have met many like minded Fiat enthusiasts that i wouldnt have otherwise, so he is still doing his bit for Fiats in Ireland , may he rest in peace.

Post by: kev131 on December 30, 2009, 08:52:08 AM
Nice posting Bren - A gentleman, the like of which, will not pass our way again.  :-[

I was lucky enough to see his collection of 132s (and other boxy Fiats) at various stages over about 7 years (thanks to Bren for the 1st occasion), and for a classic Fiat enthusiast, it was a treat that money could not buy. I'm glad that he was around long enough to get a flavour of how many similar minded "nutcases" that there are around, both in Ireland and further afield. He was not alone.... :)

Post by: simon131 on December 30, 2009, 10:56:28 AM
I had the pleasure of meeting him on two or three occasions and also had the pleasure of being shown around his vast collection with Kev and Theo back in 2005 I think.

A true enthusiast for the marque, especially the 132, and a Gent. People like him are few and far between - he will be missed.

Post by: Thotos on December 30, 2009, 11:50:15 AM
I feel both honoured and proud to have met Gerry. A great man with unyielding enthusiasm for Fiats and 132s in particular. A very wise man too and I will always remember fondly the time he was a passenger in my car and all the wisdom he has bestowed on me. He might not be with us in body now but he will always be remembered and will be with us in the Fiat spirit.

Post by: theredx19 on December 30, 2009, 01:09:48 PM
Well Gerry may have passed away 2 years ago but his spirit has done anything but, as the Fiat passion is being kept alive in the emerald isle and Bren is catching up on him with the 131s after all

Post by: Kennedy of Sixmilebridge on January 04, 2010, 06:42:44 PM

Just remembering an old friend GERRY KENNEDY this time 2 years ago he left my house in great form
little did i know what we were faceing later on in the day in my thoughts forever  :( :( :(

 A gentleman, the like of which, will not pass our way again.  :-[
He was not alone.... :)
He was not alone.... :),
but he really felt he was, a lone man fighting a tide of rust and indifference
up until he met Brensports.

I still can't believe that lightning strikes twice,
but the Lord putting both Gerry Kennedy and Brendan O'Beirne,
two committed FIAT lunatics in the one town, is proof enough of that.  ;D ;D

Credit where credit is due, he really really enjoyed his life in Ballinakill
because of the O'Beirnes.
I would go as far as to say they were the happiest years in his life.
Thank you Brendan, Liz, BJ and the red headed Rosin too.

the Fiat passion is being kept alive in the emerald isle and Bren is catching up on him with the 131s after all

He would love to have heard about the recent cache of
131's un-earthed this year in the R.O.I.
and the maturing of the event scene and
most importantly he would have been delighted
to see so many good condition cars now in caring hands.

He got a great send off on the day of the funeral,
and again thanks for the support shown on that freezing cold day
2 years ago.

P.S. Thank you O'Beirnes for the invaluable assistance
with Gerry's headstones. The FIAT 132 headstone, which you comissioned
and which stood alone and proud over Gerry still turns heads to this day
and the black headstone too, which you organized. Thank you.

Post by: brensport on January 04, 2010, 10:13:40 PM
Well Graham thanks very much for your nice words  but it was a 2 way street i was very lucky 2 have met GERRY we had the odd differance of opinion from time 2 time like everyone else  but we always had a incureable need for old fiats mainly 131 and 132 . But i think most people have heard that side of the story .  but the other side is Gerry was so proud of his son Graham and Adette and his grandchildren that he could not stop praising them in almost every conversation we had.       WISHING you all healt and happness for the new year