131mirafiori forum

131mirafiori home => General discussion => Topic started by: Andy c on July 23, 2007, 08:46:06 PM

Title: invite
Post by: Andy c on July 23, 2007, 08:46:06 PM
Hi one and all,just to say we are giving an open invitation to any of you 131's to a day down at our place, (Simon Theo we have talked about this already), these dates are what we can do, 18th/19th August, 1st/2nd Sept, or 15th/16th Sept, if your interested, if there is any interest we will go with the majority date preferred, Anita is happy to provide lunch or dinner(yes she can cook), it will be great to have you here in this neck of the woods, and we are usually ok with the weather.
If any of you want an overnight stay your more than welcome.

Title: Re: invite
Post by: Thotos on July 23, 2007, 09:07:38 PM
Hello Andy and thanks for the invitation. August 19th is the Auto Italia concours at Stanford Hall (see http://131mirafiori.com/smf/index.php?topic=319.0 are you not going?) September 16th is "Lancia in the Piazza" in Covent Garden, London (http://www.lancia.myzen.co.uk/forum/index.php?topic=683.msg4219#msg4219)  It's a Lancia UK Centenary event with over 80 Lancia cars from 1920 to 2007 on display and I've been asked to display the Gamma Coupe.  So that leaves the weekend of 1st/2nd September for me!

Title: Re: invite
Post by: simon131 on July 24, 2007, 05:55:10 AM
Hi Andy and Anita,

Thanks for the invite. To be honest the best date for me is the 1st and 2nd September too.

Thing is though that the tax runs out on my Abarth on 31st August ::) (Just my luck :-\)

See you then!!


Title: Re: invite
Post by: Andy c on August 23, 2007, 05:29:20 PM
spoke to young theo earlier confirmed the 2nd of sept to visit our place hope this ok for you simon
and anyone else who wants to come along
look forward to seeing you i know the president of the theo fan club is.

Title: Re: invite
Post by: simon131 on August 24, 2007, 05:52:06 AM
Hi Andy,

The 2nd is fine with me ;D What have you in mind for us to do? A good drive through 'the forest' or to spend the day at the sea side in Eastbourne?

President of the Theo Fan Club eh? - Anita, I think you'll have to fight off his wife, then Kevin's Mum, etc.,etc.,....... ::) He's quite a popular guy ::) ::) I think he might have to start his own webpage - the TFC! ;D ;D ;)

One thing's for sure - I won't ever need too! :-\

Title: Re: invite
Post by: curt on August 27, 2007, 08:40:18 AM
Its a pity Kevs not going  :-[ :-[
(Guess whats coming )
Then all the girlies could go to KFC  ;D ;D ;D

 ::) ::) ::)