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131mirafiori home => 3MA News and other events => Topic started by: LE612 on May 18, 2010, 08:40:18 PM

Title: Item published in a newspaper
Post by: LE612 on May 18, 2010, 08:40:18 PM
For the  newspaper publication, i select 3 Pictures.

I send them to the press department of Lo?burg information center.

The publication may be send to 3 different newspapers,

I tried to get them and post it here.


Mrs. Armbruster from the Lo?burg touristic center, welcome us, Rene waits for translation


the 131 on the central town hall square


the participants and their 131, togehter with Mrs. Armbruster and Mr. Fischer (operating authority of our Hotel)

Title: Re: Item published in a newspaper
Post by: simon131 on May 19, 2010, 07:27:42 AM
Excellent job Roland! 8) Let us know when it's eventually published and then please post up a copy of the article(s) for us all to see.  ;)



Title: Re: Item published in a newspaper
Post by: sid131 on May 19, 2010, 08:27:43 AM
is Enzo in this pic?

Title: Re: Item published in a newspaper
Post by: LE612 on May 19, 2010, 09:03:44 AM
is Enzo in this pic?

Hi Sid,

no, he isn?t

he meets us, before we arrived the museeum Marxell and leaved us, together with Robert on the Black Forest Highway (B500).

I will look for a picture.

Title: Re: Item published in a newspaper
Post by: LE612 on May 19, 2010, 09:38:05 AM
Excellent job Roland! 8) Let us know when it's eventually published and then please post up a copy of the article(s) for us all to see.  ;)



Hi Simon,

I just talked with Mrs. Armbruster, asking for the article. She tells me, that she is still waiting, getting information from Mr. Fischer  ??? ??? :(, because she had no great knowledge about the 3ma and the 131... I tell her, that Mr.Fischer even so, and it will be better that I will make the draft for the news-story. She agreed. Also she ask me, if we are satisfied with our Hotel... ::)  ... so tell her the truth... like the opulent tremendous portions (5 croquectes) , delicious sausages from Pirelli  (even charcoal);D , imminent, direct Service (once stands about 5 minits with his glass in his hand at the kitchen, begging for a bear  :o, promised reserved parking (there was always some french sh.tbarrels on the parking place... fish was already still swimming in the river, not in the kitchen.... run out of Coke ... and so on. She makes a remark about the profitability from the location, now she do not wonder why. I could only agreed with her.

regards  Roland

Title: Re: Item published in a newspaper
Post by: simon131 on May 19, 2010, 10:39:58 AM
I had one of the Pirelli sausages too  :D :D :D

Generally though I'd say that the overall hotel experience was a good one! It was certainly worse in Scotland when the management decided to send the Chef home even though the restaurant was fully booked for dinner! ::)

Please write lots of nice words about the 3MA event, the people and the hotel, as some of us might want to use it again! ;) ;D

Title: Re: Item published in a newspaper
Post by: LE612 on May 19, 2010, 10:58:51 AM

sure i will make a good draft, nothing about our internal speech will arrive the newspaper.

It was a really really  good event, and this i will put on the paper.

I  agreed with Rene, take one more picture, with Hotel Traube & a 131 on it, to the press center. So Mr. Fischer gets his publicity, he want got get for ;D, so he also can be lucky.

Title: Re: Item published in a newspaper
Post by: Thotos on May 19, 2010, 11:17:19 AM

I  agreed with Rene, take one more picture, with Hotel Traube & a 131 on it, to the press center.

How about this one  ;) ;D

Title: Re: Item published in a newspaper
Post by: LE612 on May 19, 2010, 11:31:11 AM

I  agreed with Rene, take one more picture, with Hotel Traube & a 131 on it, to the press center.

How about this one  ;) ;D

looks good, please send it in origin size on my eMAIL Adress, so that i can take a part of it.

Title: Re: Item published in a newspaper
Post by: bellamacchina on May 19, 2010, 11:51:24 AM
The girls serving were really nice!  Kathrin you looked already for trade in your "old"BMW for a real car i.e. 131 ;D

Oh and the sausages do very well under my car, almost no wear ;D

Roland, Ela will be famous im Schwarzwald :D

Title: Re: Item published in a newspaper
Post by: eugene on May 22, 2010, 08:14:10 PM

I  agreed with Rene, take one more picture, with Hotel Traube & a 131 on it, to the press center.

How about this one  ;) ;D
The picture is excellent except for the Hummer.Pity it couldn't be rubbed out ::).Eugene

Title: Re: Item published in a newspaper
Post by: LE612 on May 22, 2010, 08:16:40 PM

I  agreed with Rene, take one more picture, with Hotel Traube & a 131 on it, to the press center.

How about this one  ;) ;D
The picture is excellent except for the Hummer.Pity it couldn't be rubbed out ::).Eugene

it is nearly rubbed out   ;D ;D ;D

look here : Draft for 3MA10 press report