131mirafiori forum

131mirafiori home => General discussion => Topic started by: kogeobo on July 21, 2010, 11:18:57 AM

Title: Parts special delivery
Post by: kogeobo on July 21, 2010, 11:18:57 AM
Finaly I met Serkan. :D
 It's the  first time that I meet a member from this site, it was a nice experience ,after i recieved a mail from serkan showing his car and asking for parts ,iI found that the  best way is to go by bus to Turkey stay 2 days and deliver the needed parts(I paid less than shipping the parts only).
Serkan is a good man ,after we met we felt that like we know each other from a long time he is very kind (as all the members of this forum I think) we spent a half day speaking about Fiats Racing, I hope meeting more members and Racing fans from this forum :)

Title: Re: Parts special delivery
Post by: kev131 on July 21, 2010, 11:34:03 AM
That's a nice friendly story - Who is who by the way...?  :)

Interesting that second hand parts of the Fiat 131 Racing were available - I thought that the Racing 131 was never sold in Turkey  - Am I wrong..? ???

Title: Re: Parts special delivery
Post by: parrish on July 21, 2010, 12:40:38 PM
Nice Haul of trim you have their.
I like the Orange chair, would go very nice in my garage with my Orange 131 ;D

Title: Re: Parts special delivery
Post by: kogeobo on July 21, 2010, 05:49:46 PM
I am George (kogeobo) with the pink shirt in the pixs and Serkan with the white shirt

Title: Re: Parts special delivery
Post by: W.ARGENTA on July 21, 2010, 07:08:32 PM
مبررررروك يا جووووورج ،وحمدلله على السلامة يا ريت تكلمنا على الرحلة

Title: Re: Parts special delivery
Post by: 106usj on July 21, 2010, 08:15:36 PM
A nice way to get parts no couriers posting etc you cant beat meeting face to face !
Also a nice bunch of 131 Racing trims  8)

Title: Re: Parts special delivery
Post by: kogeobo on July 22, 2010, 11:00:38 AM
Thanks W.ARGENTA ,where are u from ?
بعد عدة محاولات لتوصيل الاغراض المطلوبة لسركان حيث يعيش في تركيا وكانت تكاليف الشحن غالية جداً بحيث تصل الكلفة الى حدود ال280$أميركي قررت سؤال شركات سياحية برية عن امكان نقل الاغراض التي في الصورة فوافقت شركة واحدة شرط عدم تغليف القطع وتركها بدون تنظيف لاسباب جمركية اما السعر يبقى واحد مع او بدون المسافر لثلاثة (نصف مبلغ الشحن) فقررت السفر لتوصيل  الاغراض في الباص انتلفت الرحلة مساء يوم الجمعة من بيروت ووصلنا الى الحدود التركية عند الثالثة فجراً وبعد تأخير كبير على الحدود وصلنا الى الاوتيل وتوجه سركان بالطائرة من اسطنبول الى الجنوب في انطاكيا حيث تلاقينا في احد المطاعم كوننا لا نعرف بعضنا الا من خلال المراسلات الالكترونية بعد الغداء توجهنا الى الاوتيل فسلمته الاغراض وقمنا بجولة سياحية في المنطقة وكان بعدها حديث مطوّل عن سياراتنا ومشاكلها وحسناتها وايضاَ حديث عن بلدينا وعائلاتنا ,عند المساء غادر سركان الى اسطنبول وعدت الى أحد المطاعم التركية التي تقيم سهرات فولكلورية ومن بعدها الى الاوتيل وفي اليوم التالي ظهراً انطلقنا عائدين الى بييروت.
سركان شخص ودود لطيف سرني جداّ التعامل معه والتعرف عليه ويمكن خلال فترة السفر مرة ثانية لتوصيل بعض الاغراض التي هو بحاجة اليها كون التجربة كانت ناجحة.

Title: Re: Parts special delivery
Post by: Thotos on July 22, 2010, 01:53:56 PM
That's a great story and one that maybe should be listed under "3ma and other events"  :D  So now that you have established the principle of "travelling for your Fiat 131" you should travel and join more forum members at a future 3ma or other meeting.  ;D

Title: Re: Parts special delivery
Post by: kogeobo on July 22, 2010, 02:35:07 PM
It's good to join more fiat 131 fans,and I like too much meeting at a 3ma or other events but for now any of my Racings is ready for this adventure (next summer 2 of my Fiats will be in a great condition),and maybe the 3ma will be in a place near to meadle east like Greece or Bulgary or  Turkey may be in nearer place....????

Title: Re: Parts special delivery
Post by: fiat131sport82 on July 22, 2010, 03:12:04 PM
مبررررروك يا جووووورج ،وحمدلله على السلامة يا ريت تكلمنا على الرحلة


Title: Re: Parts special delivery
Post by: Thotos on July 22, 2010, 04:18:16 PM
Νομίζω ότι θα πρέπει να αρχίσουν κάποιες συζητήσεις στην ελληνική γλώσσα  ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Parts special delivery
Post by: kogeobo on July 22, 2010, 05:35:56 PM
OK !!!
what I wrote in arabic is the translation of the first message posted here + the shipping price if I shipped the parts by mail.
I know a verry few greek words , what's the translation Thotos  ;D ;D ;D paragalo

Title: Re: Parts special delivery
Post by: Thotos on July 22, 2010, 05:52:19 PM
I was only joking George. Google translate did a surprisingly good job of translating the Arabic into English ;) ;D

The Greek above simply says "I think we should start some discussions in the Greek language"  ;D ;D ;D

I think it's great that our forum has such an international flavour to it. A lot of us here made new friends on this forum but you actually crossed borders and travelled to meet a fellow forum member and I think that's a great story. 

Title: Re: Parts special delivery
Post by: kogeobo on July 22, 2010, 06:18:49 PM
I know it's a joke  :D
and I am happy that what i've done is appreciated.
and as you noted earlier I will liste it under "3ma and other events" but don't know the way to do it ???

Title: Re: Parts special delivery
Post by: W.ARGENTA on July 24, 2010, 08:03:10 PM
اكيد يا جورج انت تعبت في الرحلة بس انا مستغرب لحاجة ان في لبنان اكيد في محلات لقطع الغيارالجديدة و محلات لقطع الغيار المستعملة ليه يا جورج ما دورت في الاستوكات او  الرواكد في المحلات اكيد كنت هتلاقي قطع غيار جديدة على العموم يا جورج لو احتجت الى اي حاجة انا تحت امرك وعندي قطع غيار جديدة اصلية فيات لانشيا هنا في مصرومش هتاخر عليك في حاجةانا اسمي وائل وده ال ايملwael132@hotmail.com

Title: Re: Parts special delivery
Post by: kogeobo on July 26, 2010, 06:26:20 PM
Thanks for answering, it's impossible to find new body parts for racing, and now it becomes more difficult to find used parts some times we make fiber parts . if I need something I will contact you , do you have differentials for racing?