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131mirafiori home => General discussion => Topic started by: mirafiori76 on August 25, 2010, 09:39:36 PM

Title: How about this one?
Post by: mirafiori76 on August 25, 2010, 09:39:36 PM
Does anybody have any information concerning this very modified 131? I only know it had a Ferrari engine. Looking for more pictures too.

Title: Re: How about this one?
Post by: mirafiori76 on August 25, 2010, 09:40:40 PM
Second picture I have. That's all.

Title: Re: How about this one?
Post by: 131R on August 26, 2010, 07:17:54 AM
Hi Mike,  The first picture was taken at Kyalami in South Africa.  This car had a twin turbo Ferrari engine in and was VERY quick.  It was driven by Basil van Rooyen and Dave Charlton.  I have many pics and some info about this car.  It was eventually destroyed at the end of the long main straight at the old Kyalami track.  Even have a picture of that also (the wreck)


Title: Re: How about this one?
Post by: 131R on August 26, 2010, 11:56:50 AM
Here is one of the pics I have.  Have more if you want to see.(http://i774.photobucket.com/albums/yy23/131R/B10121980GPManufChallengeFiat131.jpg)

Title: Re: How about this one?
Post by: mirafiori76 on August 26, 2010, 07:46:25 PM
Hi Willem,

Thanks for your reply. Looks like a silhouette racer, don't it? Sure I would like to see more pictures. I noticed that the car looks different from the on I posted.
Do you also have information of the second car? This is a four-door.

Title: Re: How about this one?
Post by: kev131 on August 26, 2010, 07:59:58 PM
Hi Willem,

Thanks for your reply. Looks like a silhouette racer, don't it? Sure I would like to see more pictures. I noticed that the car looks different from the on I posted.
Do you also have information of the second car? This is a four-door.

Mike - Is the second car a Seat from some Spanish racing series - I have a model car like it in that livery.

Title: Re: How about this one?
Post by: 131R on August 27, 2010, 06:36:24 AM
Yes Mike it was a silhouette racer.  They continuously developed that car during that year and it looked different at each race.  Look here.

Title: Re: How about this one?
Post by: kev131 on August 27, 2010, 06:51:20 AM
Remarkable that they put the "plain Jane" basic grill on her....or maybe they expected that to be the biggest seller and were after brand recognition......I wonder whether an aggressive 4 headlight grill would have prompted cars in front being lapped to pull over more quickly than this "smiley faced" car.  :)

Title: Re: How about this one?
Post by: 131R on August 27, 2010, 11:27:30 AM
And another look.  Not the most beautiful Fiat I ever saw.  I agree with Kevin the 4 rounded headlights would look a bit better.

Title: Re: How about this one?
Post by: mirafiori76 on August 27, 2010, 04:40:33 PM
Great pictures, you guys. I think the car is rather ugly. But that makes it a very interesting one. Does anybody know any specs about this one?
The use of the standard grille and headlights is strange yet different. I must say it makes this car a special one. I must also agree that the Special grille with four lights has always been the best look for the race 131"s.
The second car is a SEAT? Any specifications about this one?

Title: Re: How about this one?
Post by: mirafiori76 on August 28, 2010, 12:54:43 PM
Could have know this car was in South Africa. I just noticed the bonnet. This one was a leftover from the 031 project because of the V6 130 engine. Air intake in the middle of the bonnet. I know Fiat wanted to put feet on the ground in SA in the early days of 131 rallying.
Here is a picture from a magazine of an Abarth gr.4 with the intake in the middle.

Title: Re: How about this one?
Post by: 131R on August 28, 2010, 05:03:22 PM
I will post you a colour picture of the above.

Title: Re: How about this one?
Post by: mirafiori76 on August 28, 2010, 05:57:42 PM
That'll be great. Thanks

Title: Re: How about this one?
Post by: Gremlino on August 28, 2010, 09:38:55 PM
This one was a leftover from the 031 project

It could have been made up from the leftover parts, or its the 2nd 031 heavily modified (only no1 of the 2 original remains today).
Who knows? but its an interesting car either way and a shame that it was wrecked.

Title: Re: How about this one?
Post by: mirafiori76 on August 28, 2010, 10:31:27 PM

What do you mean, ther were 2 031's? I always thought it was a prototype, thus just 1. Something I missed? Shame it was wrecked. What happened?