131mirafiori forum

131mirafiori home => General discussion => Topic started by: effe131 on October 30, 2010, 05:04:13 PM

Title: Italian Fiat 131 rally
Post by: effe131 on October 30, 2010, 05:04:13 PM
Hello friends of the fiat 131, I wanted to announce that in late May of 2011 there will be the second national meeting of the Italian Fiat 131, we have chosen together with the Italian forum forum 131, the date of the end of May after a vote by the careful and precise of all forums as best time, the choice to choose the last weekend of May is also dictated by the gathering not to overlap with your Italian which would enable everyone to participate in both gatherings ...
now we are thinking the exact location, I have proposed the Tuscan ... obviously you're all invited, the forum's address is:
I remind everyone that the membership of the forum is free and there is the possibility of translation through the window in the upper left.
I thank you for your attention and I hope to see us all together is at your meeting in early May and to our meeting in late May
Hello everyone

ciao amici della fiat 131, vi volevo comunicare che a fine maggio del 2011 ci sar? il secondo raduno nazionale italiano della fiat 131, abbiamo scelto insieme ai forumisti del forum italiano della 131, la data di fine maggio dopo un attenta e precisa votazione da parte di tutti i forumisti come periodo migliore, la scelta di scegliere l'ultimo fine settimana di maggio ? anche dettata dal non far sovrapporre il raduno italiano con il vostro dando cos? la possibilit? a tutti di poter partecipare ad entrambi i raduni...
ora stiamo pensando il luogo preciso, io ho proposto la toscana...ovviamente siete tutti invitati, l'indirizzo del forum ?:
ricordo a tutti che l'iscrizione al forum ? gratuita e c'? la possibilit? di traduzione tramite la finestra in alto a sinistra.
vi ringrazio per l'attenzione e spero di vederci tutti insieme sia al vostro raduno di inizio maggio sia al nostro raduno di fine maggio
ciao a tutti

Title: Re: Italian Fiat 131 rally
Post by: effe131 on March 11, 2011, 07:45:45 AM
update you on the rally held in turin:
-28 May visit to the renovated Museum of the Automobile;
-29 May meeting and lunch in Nizza Monferrato
If you are interested let me know...

vi aggiorno in merito al raduno in programma a torino:
-28 maggio visita al rinnovato Museo dell'Automobile;
-29 maggio raduno e pranzo a Nizza Monferrato
chi fosse interessato me lo faccia sapere

Title: Re: Italian Fiat 131 rally
Post by: kev131 on March 11, 2011, 09:46:19 PM
Hi Michele - How are you?

Thanks for advertising your event here.We have very happy memories of 3MA09. I would personally love to attend an event such as this in Italy but unfortunately the dates are clashing with a few things here.

I wish you luck with the event & would love to see the photos and a report here afterwards.



Title: Re: Italian Fiat 131 rally
Post by: parrish on March 12, 2011, 03:08:55 AM
remember me and Dawn?
I would consider coming along (may still) however i was also considering going to the HOG event in Croatia.


Are you holding the gathering in Turin?
I think it may be worth the trip just to go to the new Motor museum, maybe you should post a link to the Museum.

Title: Re: Italian Fiat 131 rally
Post by: djape1977 on March 12, 2011, 10:58:52 AM
and while you attend that nice meeting with our croatian friends, ask your hosts to take you to little town called Benkovac, to show you some mass graves sites where they killed serbs in 1995. it's only 25km away

Title: Re: Italian Fiat 131 rally
Post by: parrish on March 12, 2011, 11:03:50 AM
something wrong with the web site   http://fiat131.adoforum.net/
i registered received my e mail confirming my user name and password, howecer i cannot log in! i get a message 'wrong user name or password'

i may not be going to Croatia

Title: Re: Italian Fiat 131 rally
Post by: parrish on March 12, 2011, 11:09:54 AM
Working now ;D

Title: Re: Italian Fiat 131 rally
Post by: effe131 on March 12, 2011, 11:11:33 AM
hello, now your nickname on the Italian site is active, try to have a look

regarding the meeting will take place in two days, Saturday afternoon visit to the renovated Museum of the 'Car of Turin is dedicated to the memory of its founder Biscaretti Ruffia of both the lawyer Giovanni Agnelli

Sunday, May 29 for the rally will move in the Monferrato and more precisely in Nizza Monferrato


ciao, ora il tuo nick sul sito italiano ? attivo, prova a dare un occhiata

per quanto riguarda il raduno si svolger? in due giorni, il sabato pomeriggio visita al rinnovato Museo dell' Automobile di Torino  intitolato alla memoria sia del suo fondatore Biscaretti di Ruffia sia all'Avvocato Giovanni Agnelli

per domenica 29 maggio il raduno si sposter? nel monferrato e pi? precisamente a nizza monferrato


remember me and Dawn?
I would consider coming along (may still) however i was also considering going to the HOG event in Croatia.


Are you holding the gathering in Turin?
I think it may be worth the trip just to go to the new Motor museum, maybe you should post a link to the Museum.