131mirafiori forum

131mirafiori home => For Sale and Wanted => Topic started by: jasonh131 on October 30, 2010, 09:25:20 PM

Title: 131 sport new rear lights (ebay uk)
Post by: jasonh131 on October 30, 2010, 09:25:20 PM
new old stock ?90 only 12hrs left
http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Fiat-131-Mirafiori-Sport-Tail-lights-lamps-NEW-PAIR-NOS-/320607841005?pt=UK_CarsParts_Vehicles_CarParts_SM&hash=item4aa5b76aed (http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Fiat-131-Mirafiori-Sport-Tail-lights-lamps-NEW-PAIR-NOS-/320607841005?pt=UK_CarsParts_Vehicles_CarParts_SM&hash=item4aa5b76aed)
and vernier cam wheels
 http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Fiat-131-sport-racing-twin-cam-Vernier-Cam-pulleys-PAIR-/320607841146?pt=UK_CarsParts_Vehicles_CarParts_SM&hash=item4aa5b76b7a (http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Fiat-131-sport-racing-twin-cam-Vernier-Cam-pulleys-PAIR-/320607841146?pt=UK_CarsParts_Vehicles_CarParts_SM&hash=item4aa5b76b7a)

Title: Re: 131 sport new rear lights (ebay uk)
Post by: mirafioriman on October 30, 2010, 10:11:56 PM
?90 :o

I guess that's ok if you really need a pair @ ?45 each but fortunately I don't ;)

Title: Re: 131 sport new rear lights (ebay uk)
Post by: mirafiori76 on October 30, 2010, 10:29:44 PM
I would ask the same for a new pair. But i need them myself. ;) Just beware, parts are getting rare and people know that. There's always somebody somewhere who will pay this price.

I do have a bigger problem with the price of those ugly cam pullies. I have original gr.4 for the same price.

Title: Re: 131 sport new rear lights (ebay uk)
Post by: 106usj on October 31, 2010, 08:11:33 AM
I got a brand new old stock set of rear 131 Sport lights on ebay italy last week for 30 euro.
That was just good luck !! and a freind giving me a heads up about them being for sale though.