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131mirafiori home => General discussion => Topic started by: kev131 on September 30, 2007, 06:57:37 PM

Title: Fettling....
Post by: kev131 on September 30, 2007, 06:57:37 PM
I've had a few jobs done to the old fellah recently (I cant call a 131 Sport a "she" - It's just too butch & lacking in the curves dept!).

The main job was 2 new front shocks - I have been looking for a Fiat 131 Sport set for some time but came across a bargain on Ebay recently which I couldn't say no to - BOGE brand made in Germany - Cost ?2.99 for the pair plus postage - An exact match for the existing shocks and they went on in about 90 mins. The knocking from the left shock is now a thing of the past and the car feels nice and tight on the bends but still with a comfortable ride. Big thumbs up!




All of the fluids were replaced, engine gearbox and back axle oil, coolant and brake fluid. The rear brake hose was replaced along with some tuning to the choke and carbuerretor - It's now a cleaner starter and feels as if a second carb has been fitted - Pick up is significnatly improved with a bit of an angry bellow as revs rise - Just what I wanted. An earthing problem with the rear lights and the constant heat in the interior were also fixed.

The brakes continue to puzzle. The new hose, an adjustment to the rear shoes which had a sticky moving bit and thorough bleeding made an intial improvement but that has slowly reverted to the original fadey pedal - A new master cylinder will be the next job and hopefully that will sort it out.

A curious phenomena has occurred with the driving. Coming home from the garage last night (Tip to Limerick) the car seemed to hit a brick wall at 4000rpm in any gear, a bit like a modern rev limiter - The engine would just not spin any faster - (Very disconterting while overtaking). This morning on the run to Tip it would rev to the redline with ease without any hesitation. However on the way home this afternoon (same road strangley) the same rev limit cuts in - But not when the car is stationary. I did fill the car with petrol this morning and the run home was on a half tank capacity.

I must get it looked again when doing the brakes. Any ideas?

Title: Re: Fettling....
Post by: mirafioriman on September 30, 2007, 07:08:01 PM
If you run a mechanical fuel pump it could be on the way out or perhaps it could be an ignition related problem at high revs eg the coil breaking down. Often as the revs rise a dodgy coil will show itself as it can not produce enough voltage to create a spark.