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131mirafiori home => General discussion => Topic started by: Thotos on June 22, 2011, 01:20:16 PM

Title: Crap cars
Post by: Thotos on June 22, 2011, 01:20:16 PM
http://www.bbc.co.uk/pressoffice/bbcworldwide/worldwidestories/pressreleases/2004/10_october/crap_cars.shtml (http://www.bbc.co.uk/pressoffice/bbcworldwide/worldwidestories/pressreleases/2004/10_october/crap_cars.shtml)

Title: Re: Crap cars
Post by: mirafioriman on June 22, 2011, 02:33:53 PM
What a load of rubbish. The original Beetle is basically a pre war design. How many cars of this period can offer what a Beetle does?

Title: Re: Crap cars
Post by: Rob 131 on June 22, 2011, 03:25:06 PM
From the list I have only owned 1. A Rover 800. Mine was a Nice One Elderly Gentleman Owner with a Lowish Mileage and Full History Top of the Range 827 Vitesse.

Of all its tantrums (and their were many in my 10 Months of Ownership :'(). One stands out  :-[ Breaking down on the entrance to the Blackwall Tunnel in a clearing rush hour  :'( :-[ ??? Apart from a trip to the MOT station I never drove it again. After that experience I only bought what your Dad would describe as sensible cars.  ;D

Title: Re: Crap cars
Post by: parrish on June 22, 2011, 03:38:39 PM
Again Wartburg knight' dont make the list ;D

Title: Re: Crap cars
Post by: 131 Devon Dave on June 22, 2011, 09:03:06 PM
What nonsense when you read it there were worst on it. Who votes for these surveys? ???

Title: Re: Crap cars
Post by: strada on June 28, 2011, 06:16:16 PM
hurumph!! it says the fiat strada is no24. i have to voice my disspleasure at this!!! , >:( >:( ???. THE FIAT STRADA WAS NOT A CRAP CAR. IT WAS KEENLY PRICED AND YOU GOT WHAT YOU PAID FOR!!!

Title: Re: Crap cars
Post by: david on June 29, 2011, 07:17:21 AM
I have to agree with their comment on the mgb though.....