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131mirafiori home => General discussion => Topic started by: Thotos on January 26, 2007, 03:40:56 PM

Title: We are booked!
Post by: Thotos on January 26, 2007, 03:40:56 PM
Simon and I have booked our ferry crossings today so that confirms our attendance to the 3MA.  :D

We are booked for Thursday 17th May on the Stenaline Express from Fishguard to Rosslare  departing 11:30 and arriving 13:30. We then head for Limerick to be there late afternoon (hopefully).

Our return to the UK is on Tuesday 22nd May on the 15:00 Stenaline Express from Rosslare arriving in Fishguard at 17:00.

If anyone else is travelling from or via the South of England you are most welcome to join our convoy.  8)  But I'd like to remind people that ferry companies will increase their prices as we get closer to the required dates so please book your crossings early if you want to save some money.  :)

Title: Re: We are booked!
Post by: Andy c on January 27, 2007, 08:52:44 PM
if all goes well i could be joining your convoy we from east sussex
(is simon the 1 we met at brooklands with the orange 131abarth)

Title: Re: We are booked!
Post by: Thotos on January 28, 2007, 01:18:47 AM
Simon (Ryle) is the Simon with the Abarth and he was at Brooklands. But he gets very upset when people say his Abarth is Orange! It is RED according to Simon.  :-\

Here he is in his RED Abarth as seen through the rear window of my Sport trying to keep up at the Castle Combe  Action day  ;D


And before you ask, NO! I am not the one that took the photo (although I am known for taking photos while driving!)

Here's a nicer photo of Simon's Abarth


And here's one I took while driving when I was trying to keep up  :D


Title: Re: We are booked!
Post by: Andy c on January 28, 2007, 10:36:09 AM
nice pics of a nice RED abarth
hope to see you both soon

Title: Re: We are booked!
Post by: simon131 on January 29, 2007, 08:01:16 AM
The Sport/Racing is orange. The Abarth is RED!

Hi Andy - yep, it's me alright! How are you and Anita?

Check out the gallery to see the car as it looks now, registered with UK plates. The pics that Theo has posted were taken at (and on the journey from) Castle Combe back in the late summer of 2004, soon after I brought the car home (hence the Italian plates).

So, you got the car from Guy Moerenhout in Belgium in the end. How is it running? I saw from the gmr website that he fitted a BMW independent rear diff/axle before he delivered it to you. Was it a good conversion and does it work well?

Hope to see you in Ireland in May. Stay in touch and we can all travel up part of the way together, I'm sure! ;D ;D

Title: Re: We are booked!
Post by: Andy c on January 29, 2007, 06:52:11 PM
hi simon we both very well apart getting stressed over moving guy still got the car
until feb wanted some struts fitted plus with moving it was handy it being out the way
even though im itching to get it,its been almost a year but it needed to be right