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131mirafiori home => General discussion => Topic started by: keiran on October 18, 2011, 05:51:08 PM

Title: Sun Viser
Post by: keiran on October 18, 2011, 05:51:08 PM
Hello All,

Just a quick question.
I have been striping the interior out of my sport and have found a disc with loads of differant times on it and for the life of me I cant figure out what its for unless its suppossed to be something to do with rallying?
Anyone know?


Title: Re: Sun Viser
Post by: mirafioriman on October 18, 2011, 05:56:45 PM
I'm guessing it's a parking disc for a disc parking scheme? We have one here in Carlisle.

Title: Re: Sun Viser
Post by: Thotos on October 18, 2011, 06:23:04 PM
Nothing to do with rallying at all I'm afraid. It's a parking time indicator, as mirafioriman very correctly pointed out,  which is needed in Italy. When you park in certain places in Italian cities where parking time is limited, you need to display the time you parked. Most people in Italy have clip-on indicators which they fit to their visors or even stick-ons that stick to the windscreen. In the photo below that Kevin took of the Trevi in Italy you can see such a stick-on parking indicator. Fiat obviously thought it was wise to have them fitted as part of the visors of the 131 Sport. Strange really because all other models of the 131 don't have them.


Title: Re: Sun Viser
Post by: wak131 on October 18, 2011, 07:29:24 PM
I have the time indicator too in 1978 MK2 Super. It took me a while till i guessed what is it for:)
 I?ll make a photo tomorrow.

Title: Re: Sun Viser
Post by: Robert on October 19, 2011, 07:24:22 AM
When you park in certain places in Italian cities where parking time is limited, you need to display the time you parked.

Not only in Italy. On the Continent, as you islanders (and, Theo, you are 2 times an islander  ;D) call it. Where you drive on the correct side of the road.  ;D  ;D Incidentally, most of us do have this handy dandy blue indicator card in the glove box  8)