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131mirafiori home => For Sale and Wanted => Topic started by: rosi on December 02, 2011, 10:14:46 AM

Title: Searching Electric Connectors
Post by: rosi on December 02, 2011, 10:14:46 AM
Search electric connectors from 131 mirafiori first series.

Anybody can help me?

Look following topic:

Title: Re: Searching Electric Connectors
Post by: Fiat 131 Abarth#2 on December 02, 2011, 03:18:24 PM

i think it's not so easy to find this connectors form serie one 131!
but i can make an picture from my solution (131 Abarth).
if you interest?

Saluti Enzo  ;)

Title: Re: Searching Electric Connectors
Post by: Thotos on December 02, 2011, 04:25:08 PM
It's a long time since I've had or even closely looked at a Series 1 but from memory they used open contact wire to pcb molex type connectors (www.molex.com (http://www.molex.com)). If someone can post a picture of the required connectors I might be able to find a source for them. Alternatively, solder the wires straight onto the pcb in the lights and that way you won't get the usual bad connections to the lights  ;) If you need to have a quick means of removing the lights then fit an in-line multiplug connector in the wires close to the lights.

Title: Re: Searching Electric Connectors
Post by: rosi on December 02, 2011, 05:46:46 PM
hello all
many thanks for your answer and information.

please send me pictures of your solution.

many thx

Title: Re: Searching Electric Connectors
Post by: Fiat 131 Abarth#2 on December 02, 2011, 06:39:25 PM
i was now into the workshop to make some pictures!

i hope you can see what i've done, i have soldering the cable into the hollow rivet from the light fixture mounting.

Saluti Enzo  ;)

Title: Re: Searching Electric Connectors
Post by: rosi on December 02, 2011, 06:46:43 PM
Grazie mille Enzo!!

I will soldered the cable same as your picture.
