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131mirafiori home => General discussion => Topic started by: FIATCAN on October 30, 2007, 09:52:12 PM

Title: Advice from the Board Members.
Post by: FIATCAN on October 30, 2007, 09:52:12 PM
? ? I find myself staring at this 4-door I purchased at the beginning of the year quite alot, thinking if the money i'm putting into it is a big waste. I've always wanted another 2-door and they are quite rare here in North America.? I have a local fiat parts vendor who has imported a few fiat 500's from Europe and has had nothing but nightmare stories about each one ( damaged cars, stolen parts, cut transit straps). What i'm getting at is I would really love to get my hands on a 2-door sport, and at the beginning of the year i inquired about one that is located in Germany that seems to be in very good condition at what i think looks like a reputable dealer.? I don't know what shipping fee's would cost, but I once read one of Guy Croft's posts or it might of been Guy Moerenhout????? on their site stating? that shipping charges to North America are not very expensive. Does anyone have any expereince or stories about someone who has gone through this process? Am I wasting my time and money?? How can I gaurantee that the car does not get damaged in transit? If i could get some positive info I might just be willing to bring over a nice 131 sport here.

Any advice would help.


Title: Re: Advice from the Board Members.
Post by: 131mania on October 31, 2007, 01:07:25 PM
I am in Atlanta, Georgia.
I have a 1977 2 door 5 speed that i may be willing to part with, really clean car.
Mechanically completely rebuilt. It has no rot what so ever.
E-mail me if you are interested  suprared89@aol.com