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131mirafiori home => General discussion => Topic started by: kev131 on December 31, 2011, 03:55:30 PM

Title: Senna the movie
Post by: kev131 on December 31, 2011, 03:55:30 PM
Watched this earlier today - A little something from Santa... :)


I thought it was very watchable and well made.... made even more enjoyable because my interest in F1 began just as Ayrton was arriving in the sport and I can still recall (sometimes vividly) some of the main events in his F1 career.

I remember being galled by his (later admitted) deliberate attempt to take out Prost in Suzuka to win the 1990 FI championship. Being a Ferrari fan I only had eyes for the prancing horse but the film does put a slightly different viewpoint (from Senna's perspective). At the time he was the villain in many people's eyes.

Other aspects include his marked superiority in wet races and the sight of his yellow helmeted Lotus (black or yellow) or (red & white) McLaren bearing down on Ferraris ahead almost always had a depressing inevitability about it.

Later in Imola, the scene of his fatal crash, the whole weekend was a disaster from Friday to Sunday with spectacular (Barrichello) & fatal (Ratzenburger) crashes in practice followed by a startline rear end into a stationary car (non fatal) & Ayrton's unexplained straight ahead crash.

Overall, I would highly recommend it... :)

Title: Re: Senna the movie
Post by: Thotos on December 31, 2011, 04:15:20 PM
Overall, I would highly recommend it... :)

And I would second that. I saw the film when it was first released at the cinema. In fact I saw it at Kino Digital (http://kinodigital.co.uk/digital.htm) which is a sort of coffee shop and cinema combined with very good coffee and extremely comfy seats  :D It certainly added to the experience.

I thought the documentary movie was extremely well made and managed to give all the information without any narration which is all too common in documentaries. Just like Kevin, I too started watching F1 shortly before Senna's accident so I remember (even with my bad memory  :-[) some of the events. Highly recommended by me too  :D

Title: Re: Senna the movie
Post by: Phil on December 31, 2011, 06:21:20 PM
I watched this at the cinema albeit it a normal one with popcorn and no coffee.

As you guys have said an execellent film, brought back lots of memories good and sad at the same time. Also it was a bit strange to watch Senna who was about 10 years older than me at the time and is now younger.

Title: Re: Senna the movie
Post by: simon131 on December 31, 2011, 06:47:01 PM
Looks like this DVD sold well as I have been given it by Ashley as a Christmas present too.  8) I shall look forward to spending time watching it - preferably when everyone else is out! ;D

Title: Re: Senna the movie
Post by: Rob 131 on February 16, 2012, 07:00:52 PM
I watched it on the plane last week. No Popcorn thankfully ;D ;D I hate the stuff and moreover can't stand the sound of others eating it  :-\ :-\  Would never catch me in a cinema  ;D ;D.

Very watchable even for those like me who are not interested in 4 wheeled Motorsport (unless its Rallying from the Golden Era 70's and 80's, with of course our beloved 131's).

For those who like these types of Autobiography MotorSport DVD's, I recommend Joey Dunlop and his brother Robert Dunlop.

I am sure the Irish contingent on the Forum would endorse this.