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131mirafiori home => General discussion => Topic started by: BKFIAT on November 01, 2007, 03:51:07 PM

Title: Buried Alive!!!!
Post by: BKFIAT on November 01, 2007, 03:51:07 PM
Almost 20years ago,my brother and I had a dozen or so cars stored at a friends unused property.This was fine for a while but eventually the property was sold,so we had to move all vehicles.At the time ,in a cruel twist of fate.the cars were crushed in a quarry and were covered with 20feet of soil and stone.What type of cars? I here you ask.? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ??? ???The pain this brings about ,but sadly in the dozen or so crushed,there were two 131 2.5 diesels,one 1400cc petrol,and one grass green 900cc 127, even worse,they were in pretty sound shape at that time.Remember at that time,these cars were ten a penny and the thought that they would someday become scarce was simply madness to a penniless 20year old(me).Anyway,ive since made sure that this will not happen again.This begs a question,should we be minding mareas,puntos etc for the next generation?ritmos, regatas,unos, tipos and tempras have all but disappeared from the roads of IRELAND.? ? ? Thats all for now ,more stories later,some happier ::) ::)

Title: Re: Buried Alive!!!!
Post by: kev131 on November 02, 2007, 08:35:05 PM
Hi BK - Welcome to the site - What a collection you have?!? :o

On this subject I do like Regatas/Ritmos and would vote to keep them - In fact Ritmos have a very big following in Germany with lots for sale always - Not so sure about Tempras/Mareas/Tipos though.

Yes I can remember the era you are referring to in Ireland in the 80s. The image of the 131 was as low as it was possible for any car to go - You could not give them away. One of the ways that Willy in Bray collected so many is that people used to abandon them in his drive knowing that he had an interest. Non Fiat garages wouldn't touch them so an owner was stuck with Fiat after Fiat - Yes your story reads like a horror story now but it's easy to understand how it happened.

I'm looking forward to more stories!!? ;)

Title: Re: Buried Alive!!!!
Post by: BKFIAT on November 05, 2007, 10:44:07 AM
 Hello Kevin,  my brother and I added to the collection this weekend,you might remember that polish (panda bear theme)131 that was for sale some time ago.It made its way from Poland to England to Eire.Its on its way to roscommon now,ideal car for an Abarth replica job. :)