131mirafiori forum

131mirafiori home => General discussion => Topic started by: BKFIAT on November 06, 2007, 02:08:46 PM

Post by: BKFIAT on November 06, 2007, 02:08:46 PM
Hello folks,does any know anything about fiat 131 "s that were supposed to be badged as brooklands 131.A friend of mine has  found a 131 in Dublin,white in colour,thats all the details i have at the moment.....please help! cos this dont make sense to me.I know there are brooklands capris and so on. >:( >:(

Post by: simon131 on November 06, 2007, 05:41:24 PM
This car was sold on ebay about 18 months ago, perhaps even longer - I know because I bid on it!!!

If it's the one I think it is, it's a white four door 1300CL manual, with dealer applied 'Brooklands' stickers. It is not an officially sanctioned FIAT 'Limited Edition', just a dealer modified car. I think the dealer also added a decent stereo and mud flaps.

Was a very nice, low mileage car at the time, which I'd have been happy to own, but I wasn't prepared to go as high as the eventual winner of the car.

Post by: BKFIAT on November 06, 2007, 06:19:23 PM
Thanks a million simon, i owe ya one.BK

Post by: kev131 on November 06, 2007, 08:18:48 PM
And here it is...


I saw it briefly in Dublin on the N7 last November in the rain. The owner contacted me by phone when he saw some advertising for 3MA07 - He said he would come but I have not heard from him since. Interesting if it is for sale again - If so I hope the new owner can be encouraged to join the community - We are not officially a club yet are we - I wonder how we should progress this? - Maybe an online poll to see if forum members would like to change the makeup officially to be a club? That would at least add some credibility to our planned "club" stickers!? :D

Post by: BKFIAT on November 07, 2007, 11:48:46 AM
Thanks Kev, its looks to be in great condition.Not sure about the stripes,ok maybe in 1979,but they dont do much for it now.I like the roof and hope its not hiding any tin worm.As regards a Club? I think it should benefit all members in the long term, especially if significant numbers of a club approach for example, Insurance comanies or Motor  factors,this might bring about savings on both insurance and parts etc..finally,theyellow 131now needs alternator repair(not charging,had to get a push at show in hollymount.We also have to replace a short drive belt which are notorious for failure on 1300cl models,also needs a half decent sound system,we have a secondhand cd player,so that will replace the standard motorolla,and got some nice fiat mudflaps and i"m sure bye the time these jobs are done something else will crop up.bye for now....