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131mirafiori home => General discussion => Topic started by: Rob 131 on March 20, 2012, 12:51:11 PM

Title: Supermirafiori Estates
Post by: Rob 131 on March 20, 2012, 12:51:11 PM
This relates back to the topic contained within introductions regarding Supermirafiori Estates.

The Blue X Plate Car has 'CL' Spec Wheels on it. Please clarify whether the Super S2 Estate came with the same style wheels as the Saloon Super. I am sure it did  ??? I think  :-\

Whatever the case it would be great to see one on the road and at a 3MA. Dave where are you up to with yours.

Would I also be correct to assume that the Estate Versions held their price better then the saloons and sold more easily both New and Used.

Title: Re: Supermirafiori Estates
Post by: mirafioriman on March 20, 2012, 02:42:31 PM
The series 3 Panorama Super came with the Supermirafiori style wheels. Series 2 cars didn't I don't think. I have quite a few brochures and must look to see what is what ;)

As for mine it was originally a 131 Panorama 1600CL automatic and is becoming a Panorama super estate (and it does have Supermirafiori wheels :D ) Unfortunately it won't be up and running for a while :(

Title: Re: Supermirafiori Estates
Post by: mirafioriman on March 20, 2012, 02:46:07 PM
I should have also said I did also once own a series 3 2 litre Panorama super.

Unfortunately it was totally rotten, the interior was rubbish (despite having only done 60,000 miles) and had been the recipient of some poor quality repairs in the past so I scrapped it.

Title: Re: Supermirafiori Estates
Post by: c.a.c131 on March 20, 2012, 02:55:58 PM
All the Supermirafiori Panorama S2 came with the CL type steel wheel.

How many RHD 131 Panorama's is there in Ireland and the UK ?  ??? My one and mirafioriman's are the only Panorama's I know off.

Very rare the 131 Panorama now ;D

Title: Re: Supermirafiori Estates
Post by: mirafioriman on March 20, 2012, 05:27:38 PM
Yes, very rare indeed. I'm sure there are still a few hiding away somewhere, I'm always looking just in case ;)

Title: Re: Supermirafiori Estates
Post by: Rob 131 on March 20, 2012, 05:32:42 PM
Are we totally sure that S2 Super Estates came with S2 CL Wheels  ??? ??? ??? ??? Can't see it somehow.

Title: Re: Supermirafiori Estates
Post by: mirafioriman on March 20, 2012, 06:32:23 PM
According to some pictures in the brochures I have yes. But of course you could have added them as an option when you bought it I'm sure. Just like some 131s had 13" wheels and others 14"

Title: Re: Supermirafiori Estates
Post by: c.a.c131 on March 20, 2012, 08:20:16 PM
Photo's S2 Super Panorama wheels and rear seat, Uk Brochure APR 1981.


Title: Re: Supermirafiori Estates
Post by: mirafioriman on March 20, 2012, 09:02:34 PM
German Supermirafiori Panorama brochure (Dated 1979)

Note carpeted boot, Supermirafiori wheels but that horrible tweed trim ::)





Sorry about the split photo the original is A3 and I could only scan it in two bits.

I also have the brochure scanned above and a few others but they're in the loft and I can't get to them at the moment ::)

Title: Re: Supermirafiori Estates
Post by: Rob 131 on March 21, 2012, 05:22:34 AM
Great Pictures Guys

The Supermirafiori in Lord Blue always looked nice. The Velour interior looks very inviting. Maybe Dave Lord Blue is the way to go with yours. Such an appealing car back then and no real other Semi Sporting Estates on the market. It also solves the question marks over wheel types and RHR. Now we are awash with Sporty Estates that are mainly German offerings.

The German Brochure with the car in green looks  :-\a much 'Brighter'  :D ;D then the UK offering in that colour. I assume bright colours were popular in Germany at that time.

Title: Re: Supermirafiori Estates
Post by: Sev131 on March 22, 2012, 11:32:15 PM
I remember seeing loads of S3 Panorama's in a well known scrappers in Derby- Albert looms when i was in my teens. I use to go on sunday mornings with my dad to see what 131's were in with goodies. Stripped a engine,box and power rack as a spare back then from a panorama. My dads Super s3 was well known and always grew a crowd when parked as it had been polished every Saturday by me! Even remember seeing a orange lhd racing which we had the gearbox from and put it in my late uncles R -reg 131s which my dad and uncle had converted to 1800TC using the other uncles 124cc mot failure! The racing was a rare sight even then around 1987/88. The racing had nothing left apart from a chunk missing from the rubber roof spoiler and the Gearbox......the box turned out to have a duff reverse gear. Surely this car couldn't have been that rotten.
Wish i had rescued the shell.

Those were the days of 131's...my dad had 5 brothers who all had 131's at the same time....oh yeah and a brother in law who had to have one.

131 Special R reg- blue
131 S2 1600tc W reg- sky blue?
131 S3 X reg Gold
131 S3 A reg Silver
131 S3 B reg Azure Blue
131 Sport T reg Orange then painted Black
131 Special 1300 S reg converted to 1600tc (brother in laws) Yellow

What a great sight that would be to see today. Will scan some pics when i find them.

Title: Re: Supermirafiori Estates
Post by: mirafioriman on March 22, 2012, 11:42:19 PM
I haven't decided on a colour for my estate yet, got plenty of time to decide ;D

I'm pretty sure it won't be Lord blue though. The light metallic blue is a possibility, if I go with blue.

One thing I'm pretty sure about is it will be metallic, don't really do solid colours :D

I could have a matching pair of saloon and estate, or go for a contrast. I love metallic green and as I also have the 132 2000 in green I could buy a job lot of basecoat in that colour and have a collection of green Fiats ;)

Title: Re: Supermirafiori Estates
Post by: Rob 131 on March 23, 2012, 05:20:08 AM
The Green is great, but like you say you have a 132 in that colour. I assume that you will be going for one of the original colours.

Title: Re: Supermirafiori Estates
Post by: mirafioriman on March 23, 2012, 07:17:19 PM
Yes, they will all be original period Fiat colours of one sort or another.

Painted a Fiat in a non Fiat colour once and to my eyes it just never looked quite right ::)

Title: Re: Supermirafiori Estates
Post by: bellamacchina on March 23, 2012, 10:13:24 PM

And before you said you liked my Super Volumetrico  ;)