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131mirafiori home => 3MA News and other events => Topic started by: parrish on May 23, 2012, 10:33:12 AM

Title: Feedback required Spain
Post by: parrish on May 23, 2012, 10:33:12 AM
Q: If 3MA were to be organised for Spain, more particularly near Granada the Sierra Nevada's and the Costa Tropical region, would many be interested in attending.

The South of Spain is a good distance from many other european countries, nearest ferry port for UK travelers i would sugest would be Bilbao (422 miles from Bilbao to Granada).
Any one comming form Netherlands would be looking at a distance of 1800km!! one way!

I think if a 3MA in Spain is to happen it would have to be 7 - 10 days duration just to cover the journey time.

Your thoughts please

Title: Re: Feedback required Spain
Post by: simon131 on May 23, 2012, 10:56:15 AM

Thanks very much for this suggestion.  ;D 8)

As you have said, it is a very long way to drive, even taking into account the ferry to Bilbao from the UK.  :-\ Some of us, myself especially, would be willing to travel such a long way in our 131, but unfortunately many would be put off by the distance - which is a shame.

Our European (Dutch and German) attendees would have the furthest to drive and in a near 30 year old Fiat 131 it would probably only be for the bravest owner. ;D

I will not speak for others though, and look forward to what others say. :P



Title: Re: Feedback required Spain
Post by: Thotos on May 23, 2012, 12:35:04 PM
I agree with everything Simon said  ;)

While I am (in principle at least) willing to make such a long journey, I doubt many others will. But as Simon said, let's wait to hear what others have to say.

Incidentally, while most car meetings/events tend to be one or two day (weekend) events, the reason we decided from the beginning that the 3ma meetings will be four day events was to make it worthwhile for people to travel long distances to attend a 3ma. It's worth travelling a couple of days to get there and a couple of days to get back from a four day event while people wouldn't necessarily travel such long distances for a one or two day event.

One of the objectives of the 3ma meetings is to allow us to drive and enjoy our 131s  :D So the more driving the better, I say  ;D There were no complaints when we drove to Turin in 2009; that was about 2500Km of driving there an back on top of the 3ma driving for us in the UK and there weren't any complaints about it being too far. I'm rather disappointed that suddenly most suggestions for 3ma locations are 'too far to travel'  :-[

Title: Re: Feedback required Spain
Post by: Heini131 on May 23, 2012, 02:33:13 PM
Wow, just had a look on GoogleMaps, 2400km one way  :o

But I agree with Simon, only the brave will survive  8) ;D ;D 8)

Sorry, but I can`t spend any more time here on this forum because I need every Minute to find me a 2.0 Supermirafiori...  ;)
Heard they seem to be the best 131 for long distances  ;D

Title: Re: Feedback required Spain
Post by: Robert on May 23, 2012, 02:49:43 PM
While I say "can be done, but..." Ingrid says "No Way - period".

Anyway, the most stylish way to go to Granada would be in a Granada, even if it's a Ford  ;)

Title: Re: Feedback required Spain
Post by: Phil on May 23, 2012, 09:10:17 PM
I think I will have to go with the others on this one.

Google maps shows it as 1400 miles each way  :o

From Bilbao is showing as Google shows over 800KM or in English 480 miles each way thats without getting to the ferry or the cost of a very long crossing ???

One last thing I only have 5000 miles on my annual insurance policy I would be a serious risk of using it all up in a week ;D

Title: Re: Feedback required Spain
Post by: kev131 on May 23, 2012, 09:24:27 PM
What about Northern Spain somewhere Steve? I know it's not your stamping ground but that would be closer to the '09 distance to Turin. That trip could be done over two days - I remember the driving through France to be quite pleasant especially in a small convoy.  :)

Title: Re: Feedback required Spain
Post by: Rob 131 on May 24, 2012, 06:30:56 AM
Once upon a time I worked in Portugal (Algarve) and drove a few times back and forth to Chester via Santander or Cherboug. Both were serious distances, I was alot younger  :-\ :-\ and I had a Motorway Highly Friendly 6 Cyl E30 320iSE ;D ;D. My best time via Cherbourg was under 2 days and the weather for was awful 150 miles either side of San Sabastian ;).

Spain especially the North is great driving country.

The other thing to consider is that although the Brittany Ferries service from Portsmouth to Santander is excellent on the Mv Pont Aven and is a great experience in itself :) :), lets just say you get what you pay for. I would check the price of this.

Whatever you decide, I want to be there in some capacity :) :).

Title: Re: Feedback required Spain
Post by: parrish on May 24, 2012, 05:09:40 PM
Thanks for the feedback,
I have to agree with all the comments, it is simply too far for many to travel.
Northern spain: Not so far to travel, but as i would have to be involved and know little about the region i dont think that would work.
All is not lost though as i may consider organising a sort of Mini3MA here in Andalucia some time next year, ill keep you all informed maybe i can organise some fly and drive with some local FIAT fans!

Title: Re: Feedback required Spain
Post by: simon131 on May 25, 2012, 07:28:41 AM
Sounds like a nice idea Steve. Keep us posted.  ;D 8)