131mirafiori forum

131mirafiori home => General discussion => Topic started by: simon131 on September 05, 2012, 08:09:27 AM

Title: One of the good things about this forum.....
Post by: simon131 on September 05, 2012, 08:09:27 AM
Theo, Kevin and I set up this forum to see if there was anyone else in the World as mad about Fiat 131s as we were and over the years we have met and communicated with many people as a result. One such person is Rob131, who I met up with for the first time last night for a couple of beers and curry. 8) ;D

Thanks for coming to see me Rob. I had a great evening.  :) We must do it again sometime - if you can bear it  :D :D I hope I didn't bore you too much.  ???

Title: Re: One of the good things about this forum.....
Post by: kev131 on September 05, 2012, 08:51:58 AM
Amongst many others, primary of which is an annual "let your hair down event" in a 131!  ;D

No pictures Si?  :)

Title: Re: One of the good things about this forum.....
Post by: simon131 on September 05, 2012, 10:06:29 AM
I don't have any hair to let down any more Kev  :'(

Sorry, no pics. Not sure that the World is ready for such things........ :D

Title: Re: One of the good things about this forum.....
Post by: Rob 131 on September 06, 2012, 03:30:36 PM

I had a great time, your company and cars are wonderful. We have a serious amount in common and not just 131's. I just wish I wasn't driving and it hadn't been a school night (literally for me :o :o) and we could have sunk a few more of those Kingfishers?? Cobras?? Most Beer suits me.

Based on recent events. Hopefully we'll be getting together more often.

I just need a Mirafiori Now  ;D ;D.

Your BMW's look great. However I won't be persuaded to get another ;D ;D. I think  ??? ???. For a while maybe  ;D ;D ;D 

Title: Re: One of the good things about this forum.....
Post by: Thotos on September 16, 2012, 11:05:40 PM
A loosely related bit of a funny story: This weekend was our AGM and rally for the Lancia Gamma Consortium and a few of us Gammisti congregated in Buckingham for the weekend. This morning I was checking out of the hotel and as another guy was waiting to pay his bill the lady at reception asked "who's next?" so I pointed at the other guy and then he said to me "was I first Theo?" I was rather surprised that he knew me as I didn't recognise him but with my memory being so bad lately I didn't want to embarrass myself so simply said "yes you were here before me".  He then said "you are Theo from the 131 website are you not?" It turns out that he is a 131 owner (owns several apparently) and a member of this forum and he recognised me from the photos posted here. He is a journalist and was covering a Ferrari event at Silverstone. Unfortunately we were both in a hurry so didn't get to talk 131s  :-\

If any of you are interested in seeing some of my photos of the Gamma weekend, have a look at the slideshow at http://s1237.photobucket.com/albums/ff477/TheoKyriacou/Gamma%20Consortium%20AGM%20and%20Rally%202012/?albumview=slideshow (http://s1237.photobucket.com/albums/ff477/TheoKyriacou/Gamma%20Consortium%20AGM%20and%20Rally%202012/?albumview=slideshow)

There were a total of 12 Gammas present (9 Coupes and 3 Berlinas), a couple of Betas and a Maserati Biturbo Spider. Attendees were from the UK, Germany, Netherlands and Japan.


Title: Re: One of the good things about this forum.....
Post by: kev131 on September 17, 2012, 12:07:26 AM
Good story Theo...I presume the attendee from Japan didn't drive to the event from Japan in his car?  :)

Fame at last! Nice pictures although I think you need an orange or Kawasaki green Gamma just to lift the pictures a little. ;D A couple of new ones have popped up in Ireland recently. A black Berlina and a silver Coupe.

The one piece of information missing is who the 131 owner (or forum member) it was.... :)

Title: Re: One of the good things about this forum.....
Post by: Thotos on September 17, 2012, 10:42:50 AM
Good story Theo...I presume the attendee from Japan didn't drive to the event from Japan in his car?  :)

Fame at last! Nice pictures although I think you need an orange or Kawasaki green Gamma just to lift the pictures a little. ;D A couple of new ones have popped up in Ireland recently. A black Berlina and a silver Coupe.

The one piece of information missing is who the 131 owner (or forum member) it was.... :)

You're right Kevin, our Japanese member (and his wife) didn't drive from Japan even though he owns 3 Gammas (the only 3 Gammas in Japan) and a few other Lancias. In fact they couldn't even get a direct flight to Heathrow and had to fly via Helsinki.

No leery bold colours for Gammas Kev; these are classy cars!  ;D ;D In fact, in the UK at least, all Series 2 Gammas only came in metallic colours and most of them very sedate such as gold, silver, light blue etc. There were more colours, including the ubiquitous flat Italian red and Lancia blue, with the Series 1 cars. There was also black available as a special order colour but the Coupes at least had to be specially selected from the production line to find cars whose panels were good enough to be sprayed black.

I know about the Black Berlina in Monaghan and the Silver Coupe in Galway. Strange thing is that they are both for sale and the Coupe was only sold to Ireland recently. And I have it on good authority that the black Berlina may be returning to the UK shortly  ;)

The "missing" piece of information was on purpose Kev as I wasn't sure I should be reporting on other people's whereabouts  :-X

Title: Re: One of the good things about this forum.....
Post by: glenn131 on September 18, 2012, 09:45:52 PM
It is frightening how small the world is, I worked for Peugeot motor company for 16 years, and left to run my own (small, but my own) garage. To keep in touch with old colleagues I joined LinkedIn, and was surprise to find a recommended possible contact was Theo. As a bit of a dinosaur as far as technology goes, it made me feel better thst the world of 131mirafiori.com is as recognised as Peugeot motor co! I'm still crap with technology, but feel a lot more at home!

Title: Re: One of the good things about this forum.....
Post by: bellamacchina on September 18, 2012, 09:51:33 PM
Without this great forum I should miss a lot of nice 3MA moments and friends we made.
