131mirafiori forum

131mirafiori home => General discussion => Topic started by: kev131 on December 27, 2007, 07:01:34 PM

Title: To be or not to be ... a club...?
Post by: kev131 on December 27, 2007, 07:01:34 PM
Hi all

This is a subject that Theo, Simon and I have debated a few times and it came more into focus recently when looking at a set of stickers for 3MA and the website.

The main motivating factor for making the change is that it just seems easier to refer to the community as a club rather than... forum members, like minded enthusiasts, 131 fans, etc etc. In view of the number of "members" now it does seem that the "community" has generated it's own momentum and interest, with many people logging on at least once a day. In addition to providing a common meeting place to discuss anything 131 related the group organises at least one annual get together so it would seem that the minimum requirements are present to justify the new description (a formal association of people with similar interests - one dictionary definition).

However it is NOT proposed to have all of the common infrastructure of clubs such as officers, constitution, rules, etc. - I personally cant see the need for that level of organisation as we have successfully negotiated our first year or more without it.

OK - so why have a poll for something so low key? - Well it was felt that it would be presumptuous to just change the name without seeking general consensus from the "members".

Note : The url website address will remain unchanged.

The forum will continue in it's present form with minor tweaks as demand dictates.

Will the name change on the home page? - Possibly - Theo can make a call on that as he is the website administrator.

Please take a few seconds to cast your vote - The poll will last for 10 days.

Thanks for taking the time to read this. Kev (in favour of the change!)? ;)

Title: Re: To be or not to be ... a club...?
Post by: mick131 on December 27, 2007, 08:02:19 PM
I think it's a good idea personally... ;D. It sounds and feels " right " if you know what I mean  ::)

Title: Re: To be or not to be ... a club...?
Post by: Tas131 on December 27, 2007, 10:40:38 PM
I haven't been here long, but I think of it being a forum. It would be a bit weird to be a member of a club when the majority of members are on the other side of the planet and I'm unlikely to meet any of them. Then again, I could be a token club member, a strange sort of mascot. 8)

Title: Re: To be or not to be ... a club...?
Post by: mirafioriman on December 27, 2007, 10:42:25 PM
I think it would be great to be in a club which had members from all over the planet.  :)

Title: Re: To be or not to be ... a club...?
Post by: Thotos on December 27, 2007, 11:05:06 PM
As Kevin said, the 3 Mad Amigos (Kevin, Simon and I) have discussed (debated to use Kevin's terminology) this subject in the past. Kevin is obviously in favour of a Club while I am not. As Mick (Tas131) said, this is a website and a forum dedicated to our favourite car and the annual meeting that we are trying to organise (3ma). Most car clubs have websites which include forums but there are also lots of Internet forums dedicated to one make or model of car without any kind of Club infrastructure behind it. So what's the difference of being a "Forum Member" or a "Club Member"? Not much as I see it. If you/we decide this is a Club, then we'll need a name for it. So who decides the name if we don't have Club officials, a Constitution, rules etc?  ???

Title: Re: To be or not to be ... a club...?
Post by: mirafioriman on December 28, 2007, 12:27:23 AM
If we decided it was a club, why not just stick with www.131mirafiori.com?

Title: Re: To be or not to be ... a club...?
Post by: parrish on December 28, 2007, 02:15:59 AM
Many insurance companys will give discounts for classic cars if your a member of a recognised car club.
Are we suggesting a sort of in between situation here? a club that isnt a club!
Personally im happy to change the name to a club (that way a few more might find us on the www).

3MA! is it 3 Mad Amigos then? was that the original title? 'The club of the 3 Mad Amigos' sounds good to me.
Adios Amigos.

Title: Re: To be or not to be ... a club...?
Post by: Thotos on December 28, 2007, 08:55:34 AM

3MA! is it 3 Mad Amigos then? was that the original title? 'The club of the 3 Mad Amigos' sounds good to me.
Adios Amigos.

Errr No! That's just a silly phrase coined by my brother I think. '3MA' came out of the Maximum Mirafiori Mobilisation Attempt (3'M's and an 'A').

Many insurance companys will give discounts for classic cars if your a member of a recognised car club.
Are we suggesting a sort of in between situation here? a club that isnt a club!

That's a valid point and a useful plus point but to be able to get Insurance and/or parts discounts we'll need to be recognised as a Club and for that I suppose we need a 'proper' Club with a Constitution, Committee, Officials, Rules etc. There are plenty of Clubs around (The Fiat Motor Club (GB) (http://www.fiatmotorclubgb.com/) for example for UK owners as well as for 131 owners all over the world) that cater for the Fiat 131. In fact Simon is the 131 Registrar of the The Fiat Motor Club (GB) (http://www.fiatmotorclubgb.com/).

Title: Re: To be or not to be ... a club...?
Post by: eugene on December 28, 2007, 01:09:46 PM
Eugene here.I am a member of the NNOC(National Niva Owners Club)Lada Niva4x4.I pay 15pounds sterling a year for my membership.I have 7 nivas in total,5 are road worthy and 2 are for spares,however because the club is registered in the UK,i am not able to qualify for any insurance discounts here in Eire.Is this going to happen to you should you become a club!!!.The Lada Niva club is useless to me except for the club news brochure which i receive every three months.Remember there is a lot of work in running a club plus time and commitment.Slan Eugene

Title: Re: To be or not to be ... a club...?
Post by: bellamacchina on December 30, 2007, 05:19:57 PM
In my opinion it doesn't really matter. At least we are all from the same planet, although people in my neighbourhood quite often think I am from a different one. Main interest for me is to speak with afficionados of the Fiat 131,if it is clubwise or not. In Holland we have the FCN, Fiat Club Nederland. They have different sections for different Fiats. Don't ask about the 131 section as it seems like almost nobdy is interested. I am myself member of the SCARB, Alfa Club, here are also different sections and there it works very very well. A lot of members, nice days,apart and together, a great magazine. There is for sure a problem with one type of car. The first year you have a lot of info, later it will probably start to be like in the FCN. Here I am with my car at home. Here with my car at work, here I wash my car, here I change the oil etc. The forum is great because all over the world are members and it is still growing. Take care to keep that at least this way!

Title: Re: To be or not to be ... a club...?
Post by: kev131 on January 05, 2008, 06:45:44 PM
And the voting is locked at 5 each....last chance to vote before the poll closes tomorrow...

Title: Re: To be or not to be ... a club...?
Post by: Thotos on January 05, 2008, 09:03:09 PM
It's gone to 5 for and 6 against now. A total of 11 votes out of the 186 members we have on this forum.  So what do the other 175 members think?

Title: Re: To be or not to be ... a club...?
Post by: blue92 on January 05, 2008, 09:24:15 PM
My car club here in the US is called fordbastards and it's a club that all you have to do to become a member is register on our forum. The majority of our members do drive Ford Taurus SHOs though. I already felt like this place was a car club. Maybe you guys could start regional sections to the board and there could be regional get togethers and driving events.   

Title: Re: To be or not to be ... a club...?
Post by: theredx19 on January 06, 2008, 04:27:47 PM
Kev I think you might need to do further looking into this idea, more on a legal aspect as if it is to be called a club you will need to register it as such and as a ltd company which means having tressurer, chairman etc. This is to cover the liability of a club at a public event even on a road run incase of an accident as who will be liable for this event. I am not discouraging the idea but i would not like to see this info found out the hard way in a court action. :) :) :)

Title: Re: To be or not to be ... a club...?
Post by: Thotos on January 06, 2008, 08:43:18 PM
A Club certainly does not need to be a Ltd company and a Club without funds certainly does not need a Treasurer. I am not sure what the requirements of public liability insurance are but I believe that as long no charge is made for public events (there's no charge to join the 3ma) then public liability insurance is not required. Otherwise whenever you went for a drive with a bunch of friends you would need public liability insurance.

Title: Re: To be or not to be ... a club...?
Post by: theredx19 on January 06, 2008, 09:53:34 PM
Thotos I would just check out these aspects as Irish liability laws are different to uk laws but remember when we all pull up outside a pub to go in for food and look at our cars it is now a static show but is the person who organises this static show now liable. I would not like to see anyone get on the wrong side of a court appearance as a court may not look at it being a club with no funds not being liable (no insurance is no excuse).

Title: Re: To be or not to be ... a club...?
Post by: Thotos on January 07, 2008, 12:46:07 PM
I was only referring to UK legal requirements. I don't know anything about Irish Law and I never claimed to understand Irish logic!  ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: To be or not to be ... a club...?
Post by: eugene on January 07, 2008, 01:01:04 PM
I think that it should be checked out with a good solicitor,and the points of law should be obtained in writing and also stamped by the solicitor.Laws in Eire are different than in the UK.As a new member to this forum,i don't wish to vote,as i feel being a bit of a dictator by doing so.Slan Eugene

Title: Re: To be or not to be ... a club...?
Post by: kev131 on January 07, 2008, 06:28:35 PM
Hi all

Many thanks for reading and voting although I would have preferred more votes (15) which would at least indicate interest... if not views consistent with mine!? :)

The proposal failed by a very narrow margin (8 voting to leave it as it is) possibly reflecting some of the stated legal issues and possibly a concern that things were going change a bit.

OK - so have I learned any lessons? - Yes I have. Next time get my wife, sister and brother in law to vote with me!! - They are all forum members!? ;D

Will the matter rest here? - No... because I am still uncomfortable referring to this meeting and discussion place as a 131 "thingy". It is far more than that and I will kick off a new poll shortly to see if we can get a proper name & status - Something like the "Mirafiori World Register" or? "The Fiat 131 Forum" or ...O I dont know now but if anyone has a suggestion please add it here and I'll set up another poll with a few options for consideration!!? Tnx.  8)

Title: Re: To be or not to be ... a club...?
Post by: theredx19 on January 07, 2008, 08:19:06 PM
Well Kev I know I did not vote but was not due to a lack of interest but I believe if a further look was made into the legal and technical side I would vote yes. The forum has been a great focal point and a better focal point is seeing these beasts out and about. It is as I said who wants to see someone suffer because of a small accident :) :) :)

Title: Re: To be or not to be ... a club...?
Post by: alan.acs on February 05, 2008, 07:58:12 PM
i say make it a club if it brings a benifit to the members.
 otherwise it may be a lot of work for no gain for the 3 amigos..

Title: Re: To be or not to be ... a club...?
Post by: greek mirafiori on February 06, 2008, 06:49:49 PM
I think that's a good idea to be a club but in my opinion some things must remain same...For example the name is not necessary be changed.Also I think That we have a lot of fun and there are no rules as other clubs....
It's a good idea to be a club but without change anything!