131mirafiori forum

131mirafiori home => General discussion => Topic started by: kev131 on December 30, 2007, 10:40:14 PM

Title: Sad news of the passing of one of our friends
Post by: kev131 on December 30, 2007, 10:40:14 PM
On behalf of his family, who have asked us to notify the sad news, our friend and fellow Fiat enthusiast Gerry Kennedy has today suddenly passed on the next life. May he rest in peace.

On behalf of the classic Fiat enthusiasts in Ireland, the UK and further afield I would like to express my sincere condolences to his family and friends.

In a small tribute to our departed friend I can honestly say that Gerry was THE MOST COMMITTED Fiat enthusiast that I have EVER met in all of my travels - His whole life was given over to the collection and preservation of classic Fiats and he is likely to have been the owner of the biggest collection of Fiat 132s in the British Isles, if not the world.

On a personal basis Gerry has helped me innumerable times with advice and technical help as well as friendship and I will miss his irreverent wit and humour. He was never happier than when talking about his hobby ie old Fiats!

This is a picture of Gerry while treating my car to a rust proofing.


And the next one is Gerry relaxing in Killarney at 3MA07.


I will hope to be able to post funeral details tomorrow and where people attend it has been suggested that a fitting tribute would be to attend in your treasured Fiat or Italian classic.


Title: Re: Sad news of the passing of one of our friends
Post by: mirafioriman on December 30, 2007, 11:07:20 PM
So many pieces of sad news at present. I myself have a funeral to attend tomorrow too.

Title: Re: Sad news of the passing of one of our friends
Post by: chris131 on December 30, 2007, 11:42:25 PM
What a shock! I met gerry many times and we sold him 2 fiat 132's and lots of parts. He was a true gentle man and a lover of 132's. He will be sadly missed throughout Ireland.

My sincere sympathy to all his family.

Connolly family
N. Ireland

Title: Re: Sad news of the passing of one of our friends
Post by: Kennedy of Sixmilebridge on December 31, 2007, 12:15:53 AM
Gerry was my father.

A more dedicated man to "the cause",
preservation, collection and enjoyment
of all things Fiat could not be imagined.

He really enjoyed your 3MA event, (as did I )
and meeting his peers, fellow Fiat enthuasists.

He has gone to the big Fiat Plant in the sky,
where corrosion is but a forgotton dream.

Title: Re: Sad news of the passing of one of our friends
Post by: Thotos on December 31, 2007, 01:02:04 AM
I too would like to express my sincere condolences to Gerry's family and friends; I was very saddened and shocked to hear of Gerry's death.

I had the immense pleasure and privilege to spend a day with Gerry in March last year and to be allowed to view his collection of Fiats.  I was also honoured to have him as a passenger for a day in my car at the 3ma in 2007 and in the very short time that I spent with Gerry I learned a lot about Fiats and life in general. He will be very missed.

Title: Re: Sad news of the passing of one of our friends
Post by: simon131 on December 31, 2007, 10:19:38 AM
I heard this sad news via a text from Kev late last night. What a terrible shock to all concerned - especially his family and those who found him.

My sincere heartfelt condolences go out to all of those who loved him.

I met Gerry some years back at a Fiat Motor Club GB event in London and he was very very enthusiastic. His love of older Fiats, especially the 132, was infectious. In March of 2006 Theo, Kev and I were lucky enough to have a tour of his huge collection in Ireland, which included 132s (of course) and many wonderful, almost forgotten 60s Fiats.

Both a gentle man and a Gentleman, Gerry, you will be greatly missed.

Title: Re: Sad news of the passing of one of our friends
Post by: ger on December 31, 2007, 01:16:43 PM
As a member of the 131 forum family, my wife Claire and I wish to express to Gerrys family and many friends our deepest sympathy. Over the few months that i've being logging onto the site, reading ,looking and amaized at the knowledge of some of the members and passion in the posts, pics and replies .Gerry or Kennedyofsixmile often poped up. I didn't know Gerry personally but he will be a great loss and I wish him a happy passage on to the next life. God Bless.

Ger O'Meara (Roscrea)

Title: Re: Sad news of the passing of one of our friends
Post by: eugene on December 31, 2007, 01:37:48 PM
Just to express my sympathy to Gerrys family on this sad occasion.As a mark of respect,could i suggest that no posts be posted on the forum(except relating to Gerry only)until he is laid to rest.Regards from Eugene O Sullivan,Bantry,West Cork,Eire

Title: Re: Sad news of the passing of one of our friends
Post by: theredx19 on December 31, 2007, 01:41:03 PM
Gerry was a true gent and a rare thing of these times he was a living legend as anyone with a Fiat would know this man or would have heard of him and his collection. I am proud to have meet this legend and to have seen how dedicated he was to his passion of Fiats and to see how willing he was to help anyone who needed his help or advice. As the last conversation I had with Gerry was on christmas morning and even on this day of rest he was helping to keep the Fiat spirit going but even as a man he made me feel welcome as I started my new life in his local area.
The Kennedy family have lost a great member but I think I can say on all our behalfs he will never be forgotten by anyone here.
Rest in peace Gerry "the infamous 132 man"

Title: Re: Sad news of the passing of one of our friends
Post by: bellamacchina on December 31, 2007, 03:48:41 PM
Our condolences also from Holland. We never met before and will not meet here on earth in the future. But the way you talk about this Fiat-enthusiast gives me already a good feeling. I hope the family thinks back in positive memories to handle the future! Take care of the collection he made during his life!

Title: Re: Sad news of the passing of one of our friends
Post by: Thotos on December 31, 2007, 03:58:06 PM

 In March of 2006 Theo, Kev and I were lucky enough to have a tour of his huge collection in Ireland, which included 132s (of course) and many wonderful, almost forgotten 60s Fiats.

Photos of part of that collection can be seen at http://www.fiatmotorclubgb.org/Events/Ratoath/pages/P1000357.htm (use right arrow to scroll through the photos)

Title: Re: Sad news of the passing of one of our friends
Post by: nigel131sport on December 31, 2007, 04:14:59 PM
my deepest thoughts are with gerry s family at this sad time, i had the privilidge to meet gerry and he showed me his collection of classic fiats,he was truly a fiat man,he will be sadly missed.

Title: Re: Sad news of the passing of one of our friends
Post by: gerafiori on December 31, 2007, 05:44:53 PM
my sincere condolences to graham and the rest of gerrys family
at this sad time, i was lucky to have known this kind and pleasant


Title: Re: Sad news of the passing of one of our friends
Post by: brensport on December 31, 2007, 08:11:12 PM
                                     Gerry Kennedy R.I.P
Removal of remains on Wednesday evening at 7pm for Church Of The Assumption, Ballyouskil, Arriving at 7:30.
Funeral mass on Thursday at 2pm, Followed by internment in the adjoining cemetery.

 We're all devestated at loosing such a knowledgable, true friend.
Life just won't be the same.

Title: Re: Sad news of the passing of one of our friends
Post by: Tristan on December 31, 2007, 09:21:08 PM
One of a kind , a rare entity , and a living FIAT legend in out time .  Go nDearna Dia Tr?caire ar Gerry agus a chlann. Rust In Peace.

Title: Re: Sad news of the passing of one of our friends
Post by: Kennedy of Sixmilebridge on December 31, 2007, 09:32:28 PM
Ballyouskil is a village about 5 miles south east of Abbeyleix,
on the Main Dublin to Cork road, in County Laois.

Gerry had said to me before,
that in the UNLIKELY event that he would ever die !!!!,
that he wanted a Show of FIAT Power at his funeral.

I said in reply to him, " Gerry, what if it is wet on the day of the Funeral,
you know NO one will take out their cars...."

He replied, "God would not be so cruel".

Regards, Graham Kennedy.

EDIT: I just reread this post:

Lads I think I need to say out loud
that ye are all invited.

OK ?

Title: Re: Sad news of the passing of one of our friends
Post by: gay131lover on December 31, 2007, 11:59:55 PM
 if i were to say one thing about gerry iwould have to say many things he had the heart of a teen the mind of many you could say what you felt without getting a belt you could ring for a minute and take an hour to get off if you asked him for a hand he would land at your door if you asked for nothing he would still give you more i could type for an hour and still have more to say but may you rest in peace on this very sad day  :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(

Title: Re: Sad news of the passing of one of our friends
Post by: kev131 on January 01, 2008, 04:37:35 PM
Graham - Mark & I will aim to attend the Thursday service in our 131s as long as God is not TOO cruel on the day! ;)

Not sure about others but if anyone else hopes to try to honour Gerry's wish maybe they could post here and we can make our arrangements to meet, etc.

So at the moment Fiat Power should be represented by:

Mark W (131)
Brensports (I assume 131)
Kev (131)

Title: Re: Sad news of the passing of one of our friends
Post by: brensport on January 01, 2008, 05:06:35 PM
Gerry: The final vintage run.
As you know Gerry's funeral is Thursday at 2pm and burial afterwards in the adjoining cemetery.
A few of us are going to bring out our old fiats, including some of Gerry's 132's. We will meet up outside my house in Ballinakill approx. 1pm.
When we are organised we will drive down, in convoy passed Gerry's house and continue on down to the church at Ballyouskil. The distance is approx. 3 miles, Where we will park up outside the church, as a mark of respect for Gerry and his love for everything FIAT.
If anyone wishes to contact me for imformation my mobile number is 0877646008.

Title: Re: Sad news of the passing of one of our friends
Post by: BKFIAT on January 02, 2008, 01:29:46 PM
 Indeed the untimely death of our dear friend is a tragic blow for us all. Nine years ago i first met Gerry and since then my brother(enda) and i became great friends with gerry.Gerry regularily came down roscommon for a days holidays.Last april 07,gerry painted my new home from top to bottom during the day and most nights we went for a few jars to the local. Gerrywas a great painter/decorater and done a fantastic job for my wife and I.He also was a lover of the arts,such as poetry,languages,history, but most of all ,Music. He truly enjoyed a good irish country band with a few beers with friends.It was truly an honour to have spent time socalising with gerry ,as over the course of time i was exposed to his wonderful sense of humour and views about various establishments which to me were both hillarious and insighful. All our sympathies are with graham and his  famaily for their deepest loss. Rest in peace Gerry..rest in peace friend.

Title: Re: Sad news of the passing of one of our friends
Post by: Andy c on January 02, 2008, 07:00:23 PM
Along with so many others, Anita and I would like to pass on our condolences to Gerry's family, we only had the pleasure of meeting him at the 3MA event.
Never to be forgotten.

Andy & Anita xx

Title: Re: Sad news of the passing of one of our friends
Post by: KRENZER JEAN on January 06, 2008, 11:21:59 AM
you remember when we tried to sing old irish songs at the Hotel's entry ??

Humor, availability and I indeed suppose many  other  qualities than I had no opportunity to discover.
so, don't be  sad in front of the empty cage  of the bird who flew away..

Jean and Dani?le+KRENZER

Title: Re: Sad news of the passing of one of our friends
Post by: brensport on April 21, 2008, 03:40:14 PM
We visited Gerry's grave today and brought with us a gravestone which was made by Liz's brother Michael Ruddy. Thanks a mil mick.
We took some pics---------->

Title: Re: Sad news of the passing of one of our friends
Post by: brensport on April 21, 2008, 03:42:29 PM
and another one

Title: Re: Sad news of the passing of one of our friends
Post by: Kennedy of Sixmilebridge on April 21, 2008, 03:58:39 PM
Gerry would have been chuffed to bits.

I can't say too much more about it today,
as I'm a bit upset, but for all the right reasons !

Title: Re: Sad news of the passing of one of our friends
Post by: kev131 on April 21, 2008, 06:29:53 PM
It's certainly sad to see this and be reminded that Gerry is no longer with us but he would have loved that headstone - Absolutely LOVED it! It's a terrific piece of handwork - Credit to the craftsman!

Am I right in thinking it's a series 2 GLS?? ;)

Title: Re: Sad news of the passing of one of our friends
Post by: Kennedy of Sixmilebridge on April 22, 2008, 08:38:10 AM
I still can't get over this. It's fantastic.

The big pity is that himself can't see it....