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131mirafiori home => General discussion => Topic started by: chris131 on January 03, 2008, 02:14:32 PM

Title: Help required with lowering my 131 sport
Post by: chris131 on January 03, 2008, 02:14:32 PM
Hi, I'm trying to lower the height of my 131 sport. I've been searching google for 131 lowering springs but can't seen to find any, although I was near sure that I had seen some Koni lowering springs before?

Anyway I found Fiat 124 lowering springs and was wondering if these would fit my 131? I thought that the rear shocks on a 124 and 131 are the same so thought that they might fit?

Any help, information or suggestions welcome.

Many thanks in advance


Title: Re: Help required with lowering my 131 sport
Post by: parrish on January 03, 2008, 04:13:30 PM
Ill benefit from any input as well.
Ive been looking to lower the rear of my 131 some 50-50mm for some time now, ive come across sugestions such as cutting springs (not a good idea)  removing the seats that the springs sit on (again not a good idea and wouldnt give you much anyway)i have had the offer of getting springs manufactured, estimated at approx 120 pounds per spring, this may be the way to go, however spring rate would have to be decided on prior to ordering, plus an original spring needs to be sent with the order, cost may be less if a number could be ordered at the same time.

Title: Re: Help required with lowering my 131 sport
Post by: 131 Lover on January 03, 2008, 05:50:14 PM
Hello Chris and Steve, everyone!

I Have been investigating this subject and Haven't found any lowered springs to our Fiats either, so i tried to look at other cars to find similar springs but lower and a bit harder.
After many ours i found out that Opel rekord as the model is called here in Sweden, (perhaps Vauxhall in UK ) The rear springs are similar to the 131 but lower and harder!

The standard 131 measurements are:
Front: Length=445mm Outer diameter= 123mm? The gods=12mm
rear:? ?Length=470mm Outer diameter=125mm? ?The gods=12mm

The rear springs from Opel that i found are:
 Length=395mm? outer diameter=121mm? The gods=13mm

I haven't tried them on my 131, but i have tried them with a front strut and they match perfect!

Perhaps they lower to much but the increased gods diameter should help to get a bit harder..
The best part is that i can buy them new to a good price, if they still sell them!
They sell them for 27,euro, 20,UK pounds, 40,US Dollars  each , but that's here in Sweden....

I hope that i brought some light to the subject!!

131 lover..

Title: Re: Help required with lowering my 131 sport
Post by: mirafioriman on January 03, 2008, 06:45:11 PM
Burton sell a kit to turn Escort struts into adjustables with 2.25 inch springs. This allows you to adjust ride height and fit a wide variety of spring rates. Perhaps this kit could be adapted to suit a 131? The kit is about ?78 + the cost of new springs (about ?50 a pair I think). Ideally of course you would need two kits one for the front and one for the rear.

Title: Re: Help required with lowering my 131 sport
Post by: mick131 on January 03, 2008, 07:51:05 PM
I sent an email to this company a while ago regarding springs for the 131...

HI  Thanks for the enquiry.1 car set will cost ?145+vat/DELIVERED.  ANYspec.20 working days from receipt of order +cheque



Title: Re: Help required with lowering my 131 sport
Post by: Tas131 on January 03, 2008, 08:12:59 PM
HI  Thanks for the enquiry.1 car set will cost ?145+vat/DELIVERED.

Is that 1 car set = 4 springs, or 1 axle set, ie front, rear?

Title: Re: Help required with lowering my 131 sport
Post by: mick131 on January 04, 2008, 11:53:18 AM
I believe it's for a set of four. Your best bet is to send him an email to clarify.

Title: Re: Help required with lowering my 131 sport
Post by: parrish on January 04, 2008, 12:55:05 PM
Ill certainly be interested in a set at those sort of prices.

Title: Re: Help required with lowering my 131 sport
Post by: mick131 on January 04, 2008, 01:14:59 PM
Have sent an email to clarify " a car set " and have also asked about a discount if ordered in bulk.

Will let you know as soon as I have an answer.


Title: Re: Help required with lowering my 131 sport
Post by: nigel131sport on January 04, 2008, 08:01:36 PM
hi mick, would be interested in a set of those myself , you never know might get group discount!!! :)

Title: Re: Help required with lowering my 131 sport
Post by: Tas131 on January 04, 2008, 08:10:06 PM
I bought a a set of heavier springs for my car 2 years ago, the rear sat higher than I wanted so I had to get them reset. It cost me AUD$80 to have them lowered 50mm. If you can get 4 springs for 145 (I don't have a pound or euro symbol on my keyboard), maybe less for a bulk purchase, that is a very good price.