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131mirafiori home => General discussion => Topic started by: kev131 on January 05, 2008, 07:20:38 PM

Title: How to buy a Fiat 131 Sport
Post by: kev131 on January 05, 2008, 07:20:38 PM
This topic has been prompted by a comment to me from a fellow forum member that there are lots of people looking for 131 Sports...and lots for sale...but not a lot of transactions going on. In Ireland I am aware of just a few purchases in the last 12 months.

Ebay auctions also seem to generate huge amounts of interest but there can only ever be one winner.

Well we know what is creating the demand - Increased levels of interest in classic Fiats, nostalgia and quite often a genuine appreciation of the qualities of the car. Oh and dont forget bespoke annual events just for 131 owners!!? ;)

So why are people not taking the plunge in greater numbers and snapping up the cars that are advertised?

OK, so most of these are LHD and would involve some travelling and additional cost to bring to the the UK or Ireland but it is acknowledged that the supply of good RHD cars is very limited. If you want a solid original and unmolested 131 Sport/Racing... they are on the continent. That means LHD - You adapt very quickly believe me, and it just adds to the exotic appeal of the car.

What else could be inhibiting the decision to buy? Maybe you are waiting for the right colour? Maybe you are hoping that a really good car at a knockdown price will come along?

Let me share my experience having bought 2 131 Sports. The first was the cheapest car that I looked at - ?450 in 1994. It had an MOT, was complete, unmolested, had no sunroof and I could drive it from London to Cornwall without a bother. What a bargain!? ??? ::)

However both of the doors were weak where the door frames join them, the floor was a patchwork of welding over the years and the car was soft as jelly. Over ?2000 was invested in the car over 3 years but it never felt right to me. I could see that the doors were going to become a serious problem in the future so I let it go for ?950. At that stage the romance of the car was gone and I though I was "cured".

No such luck... and the desire to own one again re-surfaced but much more acutely this time. However having learnt from the first experience, this time I set no price limit but instead said that I am going to buy the very best that I can find no matter how much time or effort that took. In fact, it took 6 years and a lot of travelling and I eventually bought a car that matched my expectations at more than 10 times the cost of the first car. Yes I've spent more on the car since but I consider it all to be investment and enhancement rather than fighting the ravages of significant and inherent problems. And now a year later I have forgotten the cost but can appreciate the quality every day that I interact with it.

So this topic began with "How to buy a 131 Sport"? All of us long time enthusiasts can remember the car's banger status and almost zero value in the 80s and 90s and it might be a bit difficult to accept todays prices for good cars.? Nowadays though, it is a lot different and my advice on buying a 131 Sport is to....spend as much as possible, forget colour and do it now before they get even more expensive. As an example of rising prices, look at this car advertised in Portugal - This is the most expensive Sport that I have ever seen ....and wont make this money.... but it is indicative that values are continuing ever upwards.


Title: Re: How to buy a Fiat 131 Sport
Post by: mirafioriman on January 05, 2008, 07:42:08 PM
The way I look at it a deal is not done until the money is handed over and the car collected. Talk is cheap as they say and I think there are many people in life who talk, but don't act.

Just looked at the advert. I also think to sell expensive cars you have to advertise them right. One benefit of ebay is that you can do a good description and include many photos. This is something this advert sadly lacks.

Title: Re: How to buy a Fiat 131 Sport
Post by: eugene on January 05, 2008, 08:23:29 PM
I have to correct you here Kevin.Eire is not part of the British Isles.We are an independent state.Slan

Title: Re: How to buy a Fiat 131 Sport
Post by: bellamacchina on January 06, 2008, 10:16:58 AM
Hello forumists!

Kevin started a nice article and discussion here! I fully agree with him.I am pretty sure it is almost impossible to find still a good RHD car at the moment as rust killed them almost all. Here in the beautiful wet and in the winter also salty Holland the problem is equal. We only have standard LHD so it is for us not a problem to buy another LHD car as could be for GB or Irish members as they talk about "originality". But what is original? Actualy the cars all come from the same factory, isn't it?? I myself prefer could prefer a LHD in unmolested condition above a fully "restored" RHD with a lot of hided patchwork! But when it should be a RHD here in Holland, no problem, I like to be different.
The same as a few other members I don't understand long discussions from people who wanna buy( at least they say) and don't do anything. For me it is not a problem but when you want something really, you have the funds, the time is NOW, believe us! Don't go for a specific colour, for that you are too late already but buy the very best available. The portugese car presented here is much too expensive at the moment wit 12,5E, there was a car on ebay for 9,5E, very nice but in my opinion still extremely pricey. BUT you need a budget from at least 6-7000E when you wanna buy still something running without rust in original condition. I am pretty sure in 5 years we pay 10K with a smile if we can find at least something! So, take your change and chance and go for it!
Prices are getting higher and higher and don't come down anymore! If you want something have a look around! This forum is great as mostly signalated cars are there so you can easily have a selected car!
At the moment there is a car on Autoscout, even a Volumex for an acceptable price. When you try to rebuild a shed you pay 3 times that price!
Here in Holland at a specialist stands an orange car, 1st owner, very presentable! WHO TAKES HIS DREAMCAR??!!
Also on Autoscout, a like new 1600CL for 3300E, respray your 500 pounds barnfind and the total amount is nearly the same!
You only have to go to Germany for that one!

I am very happy myself that I took the time to have a look around and came across some very very nice cars which I eventually bought, included are Racings,Vxes, but also some Alfa's and Lancia's.

Happy hunting, talk and discuss................

Title: Re: How to buy a Fiat 131 Sport
Post by: simon131 on January 06, 2008, 04:05:15 PM
Sorry to disappoint you Eugene but Ireland is most definitely part of the British Isles. It may be 'independent' of the United Kingdom politically but unless someone disconnects it from NI and floats it further out into the Atlantic, Eire will always remain part of the British Isles ;D

Kev, I think that your comments are spot on. The most important point is that RHD UK and Irish Sports that are in genuinely good, unrestored condition are virtually impossible to find - however much money you're willing to spend.

Something that you missed Kev as a point for people wanting these cars is that nowadays people of our age (circa 40 years old) have generally had their families and settled into a life style and are starting to find some spare cash to set aside for hobbies and to relive their youth. In your case it was you father who got you started with 131 Sports, in mine it was the fact that it was one of the cars I owned in my formative late teenage years, and lets face it, we are always trying to hang on to our youth aren't we ;D :D ;)

My 'nirvana' is a 1980/1 black 131 Sport in RHD, in totally standard form. The fact is though that I'm almost never likely to find such a beast, and certainly not for small money - so I've had to accept it :-\

I have twice gone to Italy to purchase 131s. Both my Abarth and Racing came from there. I purchased the Abarth as it was cheap. I could have found cars in better condition but I figured I could keep this one as a 'rolling restoration' and hopefully the prices would rise enough to cover my investment. Luckily I have been proved correct. ;D

The Racing I purchased as it was totally solid. Virtually no rot at all - not even in the usual places :o The other thing was - it was cheap! I only gave 1,600 euros for it in 2005 - 350 of which was for new tyres ;D Again it's not perfect, it's not black and it's not RHD, but it's the best compromise if I want a usable 131 Sport that isn't going to rust away in a year!

I suppose what I'm saying is, if you're serious about buying a 131 (especially a Sport or Abarth), spend the most time and most money getting what you nearly want - as it's unlikely that what you want will be available within your expected time and money constraints. Then expect to pay out more on it to get it how you want it....which is all part of the overall ownership experience ;D ;D ;) ;D

Title: Re: How to buy a Fiat 131 Sport
Post by: eugene on January 06, 2008, 09:05:10 PM
Simon i have to disagree with you about Eire being part of the British Isles.1 Northern Ireland was stolen from us and then planted with Protestant people from France.This is why these people want to stay with the Uk,however the majority of people in the Republic view NI as ours.My own view is that the island should be united peacefully with respect to all peoples traditions being respected.We are more part of Europe, as we embrace the euro currency and the Uk does not.2 we are an independent state since 1922,maybe you are referring to before 1922!!!!!!!!.Irish people are not British,but i respect all peoples nationallitys.Simon take a look at your national weather forecast and you will notice that Eire is never mentioned(NI yes).Simon i could go on and on,but you are entitled to your opinion,however this site and forum is about 131s and not political debating,although i had to correct Kevins mistake.Slan agus go raibh maith agut.Eugene

Title: Re: How to buy a Fiat 131 Sport
Post by: kev131 on January 06, 2008, 09:29:16 PM
Hi Eugene

As far as I know the phrase "British Isles" has for a long time been a geographical, and not political, description of the land that makes up Britain and Ireland - At least that is what I learnt in school. I'd prefer not to be drawn into a debate on the reasons why... or the appropriateness of that term - As far as I know it's just a simple fact.

And who knows if I may have been just referring to the land that is known politically and nationally as Britain itself...?? ;)

Anyway back to 131s...they are much more fun!? :)

Any news on your hunt for a car...?

Title: Re: How to buy a Fiat 131 Sport
Post by: theredx19 on January 06, 2008, 10:03:14 PM
Germany is a country aswell as Australia where rhd's can be found, Germany because of british service men bringing there cars with them and not bringing them home. But as regards the British Isle subject Simon should know from his days in school, countries which are part of or anything to do with Britain are coloured pink on a map and since the foundation of the Irish state we are no longer pink. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: How to buy a Fiat 131 Sport
Post by: Thotos on January 06, 2008, 11:56:34 PM
Travel > Dictionary (http://www.answers.com/British+Isles?cat=travel&gwp=11&method=3&ver=

British Isles:
A group of islands off the northwest coast of Europe comprising Great Britain, Ireland, and adjacent smaller islands.

Let that be the end of the political and geographical debate and let's get back to talking 131s  ;D

Title: Re: How to buy a Fiat 131 Sport
Post by: simon131 on January 07, 2008, 12:00:06 PM
Thanks Theo ::)

Title: Re: How to buy a Fiat 131 Sport
Post by: gay131lover on January 08, 2008, 09:20:32 PM
i am afraid a can of worms has been opened here to be very frank i would be insulted to be included as part of the brittish isles ask africa canada austrialia etc etc to be politically correct you have to be correct on what you are talking about what people were taught in the south of eire has me bemused tiocfaigh ar lar

Title: Re: How to buy a Fiat 131 Sport
Post by: bellamacchina on January 08, 2008, 10:53:44 PM
And again sweethearts!! We are all part of a planet called EARTH. I love to be there as I have friends from everywhere, especially on this forum interested in great cars. If they are blue like a smurf with an antenna on the head or green with pink feet size58, gay or lesbian( I am as lesbian as can be my girlfriend told several times!)it doesn't matter and most other guys at all! Otherwise you all just belong to Poland!!
Let's talk about cars!!!

Title: Re: How to buy a Fiat 131 Sport
Post by: Tristan on January 08, 2008, 11:30:42 PM
i am afraid a can of worms has been opened here to be very frank i would be insulted to be included as part of the brittish isles ask africa canada austrialia etc etc to be politically correct you have to be correct on what you are talking about what people were taught in the south of eire has me bemused tiocfaigh ar lar

I have to agree with our homo-sexual friend above , if nothing else lets be accurate about the geography of it . and Simon , I find this comment
Sorry to disappoint you Eugene but Ireland is most definitely part of the British Isles. It may be 'independent' of the United Kingdom politically but unless someone disconnects it from NI and floats it further out into the Atlantic, Eire will always remain part of the British Isles Grin
incredibly arrogant , some of us here are passionate about are hard fought for , and hard earned freedom from Sovereign reign .
 But anyway , back to 131 buying...another 2 of Simon's comments ,

The Racing I purchased as it was totally solid. Virtually no rot at all - not even in the usual places Shocked The other thing was - it was cheap! I only gave 1,600 euros for it in 2005 - 350 of which was for new tyres Grin Again it's not perfect, it's not black and it's not RHD, but it's the best compromise if I want a usable 131 Sport that isn't going to rust away in a year!
I suppose what I'm saying is, if you're serious about buying a 131 (especially a Sport or Abarth), spend the most time and most money getting what you nearly want - as it's unlikely that what you want will be available within your expected time and money constraints. Then expect to pay out more on it to get it how you want it....which is all part of the overall ownership experience Grin Grin Wink Grin
is spot on , 100% on the ball .

Never buy the cheapest car you can , always buy the dearest you can afford . Another mans time and money in pre-empting or removing rust , will ALWAYS be cheaper to to you , when he's selling on , than if you were to go chopping out rot yourself . Unless you're a panel beater with huuuge amounts of free time and money .
 And I wouldn't be too worried about the oily bits , in general they are simple and rugged , and apart from Abarth bits , relatively easily available .

Title: Re: How to buy a Fiat 131 Sport
Post by: 131v6 on January 09, 2008, 02:47:35 AM
Germany is a country aswell as Australia where rhd's can be found

For some reason, Australia never got the 131 Racing/Sport or any other 2 door 131. Over the ditch here in New Zealand  there are still a few good ones, although we may be losing them..... I'm told the orange one next to mine in this photo has found a new owner in Europe

Title: Re: How to buy a Fiat 131 Sport
Post by: simon131 on January 09, 2008, 07:31:22 AM
Tristan and Eugene (and anyone else I may I have upset by my flipant comment above),

Please let me apologise for any misunderstanding about my 'funny' further up the string. It was made with a smiley face afterwards (which appears to have been missed by many) and was not meant to cause offense. It was meant as a light hearted comment and should have been taken as such. It is in no way meant to be a political, religious or racist comment - I have no care for any of that.

Tristan, I am in no way arrogant, and I am extremely disappointed that you think that. I give freely of my time and resources (both on this this forum and elsewhere) for the better good of all who own 131s - I don't do it for personal gain.

I am here for the friendship and comradery that all things 131 brings, as diverse and varied as this is, and apologise again if my comment has inadvertantly caused offence.

Title: Re: How to buy a Fiat 131 Sport
Post by: Thotos on January 09, 2008, 09:22:00 AM
I'm told the orange one next to mine in this photo has found a new owner in Europe

And who's is the white series one undergoing restoration in the garage?

Title: Re: How to buy a Fiat 131 Sport
Post by: nigel131sport on January 09, 2008, 07:42:04 PM
i do like the orange ( of course) car and wonder if anyone knows what wheels it has on, would nt mind some of them! to add to the topic i found the best ( and only) sport i could find at the time (2 miles away!) and had it made fit for mot then had 12 months out of it before deciding that with the amount of welding it needed it was sell cheap or resto, which believe me is not for the faint hearted. lots (+lots) of money later its taking shape and now that i can see where the moneys gone it feels great going to see it. i know i will never get my money back,that was not the idea,and people have said for another few thousand i could have an abarth but i havent got that kind of money in one go, it has been spread over 2 years,so there is room out there for a resto car as well as original ones, and it keeps another 131 running :)

Title: Re: How to buy a Fiat 131 Sport
Post by: 131v6 on January 09, 2008, 08:26:46 PM
And who's is the white series one undergoing restoration in the garage?

Good spotting! That is a sport being made into an abarth replica by the (previous) owner of the orange car.

Nigel: the wheels on the orange car and on mine are made by a company in Australia called Performance Wheels.


They do look good. I think i would of bought those instead of mine if i had seen the catalogue first  ::)

Title: Re: How to buy a Fiat 131 Sport
Post by: gerafiori on January 09, 2008, 09:10:45 PM
hi 131v6, you got good choice of cars there
lancia fiat and alfa, i like the wheels on the black car.
and you got the good weather.
cheers gerry............................

Title: Re: How to buy a Fiat 131 Sport
Post by: gerafiori on January 09, 2008, 09:24:55 PM
hi simon, dont be bothered by these lot, makes me laugh
its like the football supporters over here, sing rebel songs in the local
shout up the ira,   then they would cut your head off over man u or liverpool
its a load of b...ox
cheers 131 friend 

Title: Re: How to buy a Fiat 131 Sport
Post by: bolger on January 09, 2008, 11:08:57 PM
Otherwise you all just belong to Poland!!
Let's talk about cars!!!
To Poland ? Nooooo, too much mess. That reminds me that Madagascar used to be a sort of Polish colony, at least the Pole has been elected a king there. ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: How to buy a Fiat 131 Sport
Post by: kev131 on January 12, 2008, 11:44:31 AM
hi simon, dont be bothered by these lot, makes me laugh
its like the football supporters over here, sing rebel songs in the local
shout up the ira,? ?then they would cut your head off over man u or liverpool
its a load of b...ox
cheers 131 friend?

Thanks gerafiori - Brings a bit of balance to some of the other comments.

Title: Re: How to buy a Fiat 131 Sport
Post by: gay131lover on January 15, 2008, 11:21:58 PM
if you think that his comment was balance i am afraid i  dont see it who gives a f..k about football thats why this country is the way it is shake hands from the front and shaft you from behind