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131mirafiori home => General discussion => Topic started by: simon131 on June 20, 2014, 02:32:09 PM

Title: Rest and Recouperation for my Abarth Stradale
Post by: simon131 on June 20, 2014, 02:32:09 PM
As many of you may have already read 3MA14 was a little traumatic for me this year and unfortunately I wasn't able to enjoy it quite as much as I have done over the years. Unfortunately Arbie suffered from a failed alternator - yes, the replacement alternator failed and in style - in a traffic jam in a Swiss motorway tunnel. Luckily I had my 131 family immediately on hand to help me and I am eternally grateful for that. Thank you to you all on 3MA14 - I was extremely embarrassed and hugely deflated. :-[

Anyway, as well as the alternator failing the higher European summer temperatures also lead to my electronic ignition module failing which was replaced late one night in an Italian hotel car park and again, my grateful thanks to my 3MA family for helping me with it's replacement.

So, after feeling like the cuckoo who pushed Linda from Theo's Nest - again, my humble, grovelling thanks to Linda for enduring the back seat of Theo's Sport while I rode shotgun - the Abarth was nursed back to the UK where she now sits in the garage dirty and in not a little disgrace - with a huge question mark hanging over her future. :'(

Truth is, it's totally my fault that Arbie let me down. Long ago I promised that she'd get the restoration she deserved yet every year I press her in to European Duties after she'd been laid up for months at a time. So I have decided that the time has come.......

Next Friday is my eldest daughter Shannon's Prom and she has asked that I take her in Arbie so that will probably be the last 'official' outing of Arbie for the foreseeable future - until she is fully restored back to health and reliability - and it truly breaks my heart to lock her up without a real plan for getting her back on the road  :'( :'( :'(

Title: Re: Rest and Recouperation for my Abarth Stradale
Post by: c.a.c131 on June 20, 2014, 04:09:12 PM
 :'( Have you someone to do the restoration on it ?

Title: Re: Rest and Recouperation for my Abarth Stradale
Post by: Rob 131 on June 20, 2014, 04:21:36 PM
What would be involved in a Restoration for the Abarth.

If you are laying the car up for an indefinite period what is required to preserve the vehicle and prevent any further deterioration.

Title: Re: Rest and Recouperation for my Abarth Stradale
Post by: simon131 on June 20, 2014, 05:09:07 PM
I have options as regards someone to do the restoration, but either way I will have to wait until they have space. ;)

I have no intention of laying the car up indefinitely or for a long period - I shall be using it locally throughout the summer although any longer trips will be borne by a 131S.  8)

The restoration of an Abarth is no different to the restoration of any other car. What I'd like is a full strip and rebuild - mechanically and bodily, including sorting the electrics. I'm not looking for upgrades, preferring always to keep to the original factory specs, although I may be persuaded differently as time progresses. :)

Title: Re: Rest and Recouperation for my Abarth Stradale
Post by: Thotos on June 21, 2014, 01:11:45 AM
I think you are being very hard on yourself and the Abarth. The truth is that the car covered over 3000km in under a week and it got you there and safely back home. Occational 'hicups' are a way of life with older cars and in any case the Abarth problems on 3ma14 were the alternator which was just 4 days old and not one of the many 40 year old parts! And the electronic ignition thingy was aftermarket so you can't blame the Abarth for that either. So both those problems could have happened to a restored car anyway  ;)  So feel proud that the Abarth allowed you to enjoy another 3ma and you should feel proud for owning such a wonderful car  :D