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131mirafiori home => General discussion => Topic started by: Thotos on January 11, 2008, 11:20:01 PM

Title: Getting Ready for 3ma08
Post by: Thotos on January 11, 2008, 11:20:01 PM
Some people take their car apart, spray the engine bay and put it back together again so it looks its best for the 3ma. I wish I could do that (my car can certainly do with such cosmetic surgery) but I won't be doing it this year. My start of preparations is much simpler as I need to get the car legally back on the road and for that I need to get it through the MOT test (the compulsory annual car check in the UK) and it's booked for that tomorrow (Saturday) morning. So please everybody keep your fingers crossed for my 131! 

I haven't driven the 131 since last October (MOT test expired early November) so I am looking forward to the drive to the test centre tomorrow. I've put the battery on charge last night to be sure it's got enough electric juice to start the car. I just hope the Gamma doesn't decide not to want to start as it's parked outside the garage with the 131 in it.  :-[

Title: Re: Getting Ready for 3ma08
Post by: simon131 on January 12, 2008, 02:46:51 PM
How did the MoT go T? Did it pass? :P

Title: Re: Getting Ready for 3ma08
Post by: Thotos on January 12, 2008, 02:59:52 PM
Today I have good news and I have bad news....

The good news is that the 131 passed the MOT test with flying colours. In fact the tester commented on how good the brakes were for such an old car. So it seems my new upgraded discs and pads have done the trick. Maybe I'll be able to stop at this year's 3ma without a cloud of smoke coming out of the front brakes!

The bad news is the car broke down on the way to the test station. The fuel pump (electric on my car) stopped and of course so did the car a while later. I managed to get it going with a bit of pump banging and wire wiggling and got to the test station. Then on the way back home it did it again so a new fuel pump is a must for me before going to Scotland.

Title: Re: Getting Ready for 3ma08
Post by: simon131 on January 12, 2008, 04:20:26 PM
Excellent news about the MoT T ;D just a shame about the fuel pump.  ::) At least it gave up before we started out on our epic journey 'up north', and you still have time to fix it too 8)

I doubt that getting my Abarth it's ticket will be so easy ::)

Title: Re: Getting Ready for 3ma08
Post by: bellamacchina on January 12, 2008, 07:08:51 PM
Great it passed! Smart tester!!

It can be quite a struggle all the time again, especually when the tester hates everything older as new!
Here we have something like MOT too, lucky me I am a tester myself but we can have a check after we sended the message that it was ok from the government. This change is about 3%. When there are real weak points you and your company can loose the license! That works quite the same in the UK?
The pump problem is not the most difficult to solve. Did you change it from mechanic to electric because of bad starting habits?

Title: Re: Getting Ready for 3ma08
Post by: Thotos on January 26, 2008, 01:02:56 AM
The new fuel pump arrived today.  :D I do like shiny new parts   :o :D


I couldn't wait until tomorrow to fit it so in the garage I went. Here's the old one:


Didn't take too long and the new one was in place.


So tomorrow I'll go for a nice long drive to make sure all is well.  ;D

Title: Re: Getting Ready for 3ma08
Post by: kev131 on January 26, 2008, 02:28:25 PM
Bring back some nice photos Theo...!

I took my 131 out for the first time in a month today (first weekend without rain) and took a few nice snaps.



Title: Re: Getting Ready for 3ma08
Post by: Thotos on January 27, 2008, 10:39:55 AM
Has your car ever been dirty Kevin?  ??? It always looks so clean, shiny and very impressive!  ;) I think you must like it just a little bit to keep it so clean.  ;D

I did go for a long drive yesterday and excluding the short drive (with two breakdowns!)  to the MOT station it was the first time I drove the car properly since October last year.  The new fuel pump behaved admirably (as it should!) and I am still grinning from the enjoyment of the drive. In fact I was so busy enjoying myself that I didn't stop for any photos; plus there aren't any photo opportunities on the M25  ;D :-\

Title: Re: Getting Ready for 3ma08
Post by: Baja141 on January 28, 2008, 09:11:38 AM
..  maybe he found a way to keep it shining  ??? ;D