131mirafiori forum

131mirafiori home => General discussion => Topic started by: 131DHOC on May 09, 2015, 02:14:29 PM

Title: Help request
Post by: 131DHOC on May 09, 2015, 02:14:29 PM
Hello, I'm bothering you with an help request: searching and searching, at the end I found a dealer that has various fiat differentials, new and original, but has notthe  parts catalog so he can't found what is what. Furthermore, he works at the parts shop all day and has no time to go and open all the boxes to investigate and compare. I lost a lot of time searching and finally the only thing that is probably keeping me away from the part I need is a code number. So I ask all of you, if you have the original fiat numbers for a complete differential for a fiat 131 supermirafiori 1367cc, year 1982, please tell me something or better, if you can scan the page of a part catalog (it needs to be 1982 or newer) and post it, I'll agree it very much.
Thank you in advance, and regards...