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131mirafiori home => General discussion => Topic started by: Blue850 on March 25, 2008, 12:29:55 PM

Title: Panorama prototype
Post by: Blue850 on March 25, 2008, 12:29:55 PM

From CAR magazine 1979.

Title: Re: Panorama prototype
Post by: simon131 on March 25, 2008, 02:34:25 PM
What an unusual looking car. I think I like it ;D ;D Don't like the supermarket basket on the roof though - I'm sure that Fiat engineers could have come up with something slightly better than that :-\

It's based on the series 1 but has series 2 Super/Sport/132 14" wheels. Three rows of seats too - ideal for the modern family man! ;D Who needs an MPV? Certainly not me ;)

I want one!! or even 2.....or perhaps 3..........or maybe even..... :D :D

Title: Re: Panorama prototype
Post by: kev131 on March 25, 2008, 08:22:33 PM
Wow - That's a new one on me Blue850. Look at the length of the rear door and how big the quarter light is to compensate..! I do approve of the wheels.

Somehow I cant see it performing as well on the Healy pass as the the majority of cars did at 3MA last year!! ;) ;D


Title: Re: Panorama prototype
Post by: markwilliams131 on March 25, 2008, 09:45:04 PM
hey  whoes the lad in the black sport locking up the brakes   ;D

Title: Re: Panorama prototype
Post by: kev131 on March 25, 2008, 10:01:40 PM
Looks like Walter Rohrl about to put some manners on a couple of Abarths!!!? ;D ;D ;D ;)

Look how much he leans into the corner - A true WR characteristic!