Title: Fiat 131 Racing for sale at ?1000 Post by: kev131 on February 27, 2007, 08:19:52 PM Looks complete and original but is a restoration case.... as reflected in the price.
http://www.autoscout24.at/aut/detail.asp?ts=7650822&id=rhgoggrncbu Title: Re: Fiat 131 Racing for sale at ?1000 Post by: kev131 on March 04, 2007, 08:04:55 AM The link is no longer working... which may indicate that the car has been sold - And at that price I'm not really surprised if it sold quickly.
If you were the buyer of the car and are reading this, perhaps you could tell us more about it. Here is what the car looked like if you missed it. (http://i98.photobucket.com/albums/l250/kev131/77646673_5.jpg) (http://i98.photobucket.com/albums/l250/kev131/77646673_2.jpg) (http://i98.photobucket.com/albums/l250/kev131/77646673_1.jpg) Title: Re: Fiat 131 Racing for sale at ?1000 Post by: 131portugal on March 04, 2007, 02:30:43 PM hello kev. do you know one 131 for sale?
Title: Re: Fiat 131 Racing for sale at ?1000 Post by: 131portugal on March 04, 2007, 02:33:48 PM you know of some 131 for venda good price? I I am of Portugal and I look one racing?
Title: Re: Fiat 131 Racing for sale at ?1000 Post by: kev131 on March 04, 2007, 05:20:54 PM Hello 131Portugal
Yes there are some Fiat 131 Racings currently for sale - Two in Italy at the moment. The first one has been for sale at ?6000 for about 4 years, http://eng.autoscout24.com/home/index/detail.asp?ts=6550037&id=2ewzagc2npm&sc=&make=28&model=1737&pricefrom=0&euroto=0&zip= The second came on the market in the last 3 months and seems better value at ?4000. There is no such thing as a cheap 131 Sport/Racing any more. If the price is low it means that you must spend a lot more to have a nice car. If the price is high you might get a good car which is more likely to be cheaper in the long run. http://www.lanciaflavia.it/annunci/dettid.php?gb_id=29856 Also see this link on www.131mirafiori.com which shows more websites to look at. http://131mirafiori.com/smf/index.php?topic=62.0 Good luck and let us all know how you get on with your search. Title: Re: Fiat 131 Racing for sale at ?1000 Post by: 131portugal on March 05, 2007, 06:29:40 PM my friend,I have interest in one 131 for 2000, 3000 euros or one supermirafiori if to know something says, you? I have one racing but without documents? you arrange documents? I hug