Title: Wanted: a 131 Diesel. Post by: 131panorama on June 01, 2007, 08:32:26 PM I'm looking for a 131 diesel, who knows one for me???
Title: Re: Wanted: a 131 Diesel. Post by: kev131 on June 01, 2007, 09:39:40 PM Henk - There was a white saloon Series 3 Supermirafiori 2500 Diesel for Sale on Ebay France on a couple of occasions this year - It looked very clean and I think priced around ?2500 - I dont think that it ever sold.
I think it had big number of kms - Maybe > 200,000. Keep an eye on Ebay/Fr - It may come up again. ;) Title: Re: Wanted: a 131 Diesel. Post by: 131panorama on June 02, 2007, 12:26:58 AM oke, I will keep an eye on it.
I look a lot on e-bay, but I've never seen that one. But if you find one please let me know. Title: Re: Wanted: a 131 Diesel. Post by: 131panorama on June 06, 2007, 07:51:09 PM nobody knows one for sale? :'(
Title: Re: Wanted: a 131 Diesel. Post by: kev131 on June 06, 2007, 07:56:45 PM yes it looks like it Henk? but we will keep?looking,? .... ;)
Title: Re: Wanted: a 131 Diesel. Post by: CollieD on July 04, 2007, 07:54:48 PM Hi There All!!
A newbie here. Great to see the forum up and running. I am e member of the Fiat Coupe Club forum. Did not know this existed until recently. Well to get back on topic. My Dad has a Supermirafiori 2.5 Diesel engine in the garage that he would sell if that is any good to you. I think he may have other bits and bobs also. Give me shout if this is any good. Cheers Colin Title: Re: Wanted: a 131 Diesel. Post by: mirafioriman on July 04, 2007, 08:43:30 PM Where are you based?
Title: Re: Wanted: a 131 Diesel. Post by: CollieD on July 06, 2007, 03:35:06 PM Hi,
We are based in Monaghan. If you are interested I can get you a contact number and you can chat to him direct and he should be capable of filling you in with necessary info. Is there a private mail facility on this forum? Regards Colin Title: Re: Wanted: a 131 Diesel. Post by: Thotos on July 06, 2007, 03:52:28 PM Is there a private mail facility on this forum? Of course! There's everything you wish on this forum! ;D Simply click the member's name and select "Send this member a Personal Message" Title: Re: Wanted: a 131 Diesel. Post by: chris131 on July 07, 2007, 08:13:44 AM Hi, I am currently restoring 2 fiat 131's and would be interested in the engine that you have for sale.
Also I'm only located just outside armagh so I could colect it quite easily. Will you please email me a contact number and I'll arrange to go and see it. My email address is chrissy962@hotmail.co.uk thanks chris |