It usually costs me in the long run
After I bought the Abarth back in July 2004 I promised the wife a new house - but she has actually settled on a 1951 'model'?

At least there's room for me to build a new detached 'FIAT block'!

I did a 'deal' with the missus years ago - if I bought any more 131s then she wanted another child!

(Not much of a deal was it?

) Anyway, I had 4 at the time (131s that is, I only have 3 children!) and someone offered me another at zero cost which I couldn't refuse - so, I worked on the basis that as long at the total number I had actually
purchased remained the same I'd be OK, and it seems to have worked......for the moment! the long run, my Abarth has cost me a 100% increase in the size of my mortgage!