Hi Graham here from "The classic and cabriolets collection". I thought i would introduce ourselves to your members. We specialise in mainly Italian cars from the 60s, 70s and early eighties, trying to always carry a stock of rust free Fiats, Lancias and Alfas. We also operate a sourcing agency helping people to locate "that" particular car and have clients throughout the world, many returning to us more than once so we cant be doing it all wrong. We can also help with arranging transport from Italy and the registration of a car, into the UK or beyond , that you have located yourself. Between myself and Paul the owner of the company, we have over 60 years of experience in this field and are both more than happy just to chat or to answer any questions you may have, may even try to sell you a car or two

so please feel free to contact us either through the web site (
www.classics-cabriolets.co.uk ) or from here. Thanks for your time. G