At some stage in the development of this web-site the option to create a section devoted to
131s for sale is likely to be considered although it's difficult to imagine many cars regularly coming up for sale...... (there might be more "wanted" ads than "for sale" ads).??
In the meantime, I'd like to share the websites where I have found the most regular activity where 131 sale adverts are concerned. As Germany was the biggest export market for Fiat in the 70s it's not surprising to find quite a few there. Italian sites are plentiful as well of course and after that they come up for sale less frequently in Portugal, Finland, France, Holland/Belgium. anyone can add to this list (especially those reading this on the mainland of Europe) please do so, as it may help somone searching for their dream car - 6 years of mouse clicking led me to my 131!?
UK/Irish cars that come up for sale seem to be a little over-priced for what the market will bear or are cars that require a lot of work.?