beardy bloke
Full Member
Posts: 35
« on: August 06, 2020, 07:44:46 PM » |
Hi I have asked previously and got good advice regarding sizes of pipes and design , so just wanted to clarify before going ahead . This is at the moment a relatively standard 1600 tc my existing tail pipe is 51mm O/D so around 48mm I/D , i will check when i have it apart . Working through the advice the sy pipe should be the same size and the py pipe should be 25% smaller ie 38mm . Would this be correct , i am assuming from the advice i had that the ex valve on the 1600 would be 36mm with controlling section of 33mm. If so 38mm would be correct given the advice regards 5mm larger. If i have miss understood can anyone advise before i go ahead , many thanks Andrew.