It's that time of year again when the website's hosting plan needs to be renewed and as with all other things, the price has gone up
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Auto-renews on 10/11/2023 £143.88 / 1 YearThe question is, do enough people still use this website to warrant the expense of renewing it? Or is it time to pull the plug and just stay oven on Facebook. With the 50th anniversary celebrations in Turin next year (3ma24 - Friday May24th to Monday May 27th) I think it's worth keeping this going for all the announcements etc. Money is not really the problem as we have members who have donated generously in the past and even have regular monthly donations from one of our members. Thank you all for your generosity. But I'd hate to pay that money if it's only me and a couple of others that use this website now.
So if you still use this website and want to see it renewed, please reply and say so or just give us the

button from the emojis above.